We’re all good enough.

It’s a truth that we fail to believe so many times. We’ve been told that our ideas are too small or our goals are too lofty. We’re afraid of being judged by others or that we might fail.

But the truth is, the only thing not good enough are these reasons we tell ourselves why we can’t. No one else has been given the same opportunity as each of us has.

It can be really hard to know where to go and what to do next, but it’s not impossible. We just need to keep looking for that purpose, even if it seems elusive sometimes.

This week, Dr. Fred sits with fellow Chiropractor, Dr. Chris Mosier to talk about how finding a purpose greater than ourselves can bring happiness and comfort to us and to others. They also talk about how the habit of comparing ourselves leads to feelings of unworthiness, how to build faith and courage, how to find our grit, and why we should never stop sharing our stories. 


“There’s someone out there that needs to hear your story. Continue to share that story and find that fulfillment— that God-given purpose in our lives.”  -Dr. Chris Mosier


Episode Highlights:

  • 02:46 Chiropractic Treatment Saves The Day!
  • 07:51 Unhealthy Comparison
  • 11:14 Miracle Moments 
  • 17:06 “Why Me?” 
  • 21:05 Building Faith 
  • 26:49 Find Your Purpose 
  • 33:10 Your Story Matters





Do you ever think that you're not good enough? Or do you feel like there's something missing in your life? Join @drfred100m and Dr. Chris Mosier of @mosierfamchiro as they discuss how finding a purpose greater than ourselves can bring more… Share on X



01:19 “We go through life. We have challenges. And if you can still breath and fog the mirror, then you made it through the other side.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

11:27 “I need to not focus on myself because God has a purpose for me— to serve people. Then, everything in my practice changed.” -Dr. Chris Mosier

16:01 “Sometimes, we want [our spouses] to be like us, but it’s the differences that are the gift. When you learn to appreciate the differences, marriages heal. We heal each other.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

16:58 “People get so focused on what they do that they forget who they are.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

18:57 “The question I always ask is ‘God, why me?’. And the answer I always get is ‘You’ve seen nothing yet… just wait.” -Dr. Chris Mosier     

22:52 “Faith is your belief before the substance shows. Once you see the substance, then there’s evidence.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

27:07 “Find a purpose that’s so big that you need God’s help because there’s no way you can do it yourself.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

28:52 “You just have to go through it. That’s where we find that grit.” -Dr. Chris Mosier

29:25 “Everybody has fear. The only difference is that people with courage walk through it.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

30:15 “Your pain is a platform for your purpose. There’s something that people need you for.” -Dr. Chris Mosier

32:14 “You may have to surrender through the pain but there’s always a gift on the other side. When you can do that, then you can lead others because other people don’t know how to get through their pain.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

33:28 “There’s someone out there that needs to hear your story. Continue to share that story and find that fulfillment— that God-given purpose in our lives.”  -Dr. Chris Mosier


Meet Dr. Christopher Mosier:

Dr. Christopher Mosier is a husband, a father, a brother, and a great influence in his community. Dr. Christopher Mosier graduated from Hanover College with a bachelor of arts and continued his education at Logan University with a Doctorate in Chiropractic and also obtained his masters degree of science in sports science and rehabilitation. Dr. Mosier has since set out to serve those in his community in Salem, Indiana. His mission is to empower, inspire, and give hope to those who are broken, battered, bruised in his community.



Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Hey, this Dr. Fred. I am Dr. Fred, and we do this podcast with Dr. Fred because we’re bringing you people that have just been through life. We go through life, we have these challenges, and if you can still breathe and fog a mirror, then you made it through the other side. We’ve all faced mountains, we all have a story. And yet, we hopefully find this purpose. I’m bringing you people that have been through their battles, found their purpose, or making a difference in the world so they can bring you hope, they can bring you confidence, they can show you that you are divine first that you have a purpose and a reason you’re here, and you will get through it, and do something, and be someone great who you were called to be. 

So today, I’m really excited to bring a fellow chiropractor, a chiropractic brother, Dr. Chris Mosier who has a great story. I’ve been on his podcast, so you definitely want to listen to that. He’ll show you how to get hooked up with that on the other side. 

So hey, I’m really excited to chat with you, man. I know people are going to be really compelled with your story and your purpose now, so thank you for being here.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Hey, man, I am, like I said, absolutely pumped to be on the show being here with you. This is fun. This is really fun.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Hey, people who don’t know you aren’t even though people do know you are. Let’s start from the beginning, man. What’s your story? How did life begin? I know you got a story and challenges, and how you found spirituality. I’m sure how that got you through some challenges, so let us know.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Oh, absolutely. So early on, I was in college. Let’s start with college. I was majoring in exercise science and I was really excited. I wanted to, well, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a gym owner. I want to be a physical therapist. There’s so many options. At the same time, my wife, Ellen, she suffered with debilitating migraines. They were so bad. They’re more often than not. So luckily, my parents knew a family friend. He was a chiropractor.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: I got the sack. You were already married and in undergraduate college?

Dr. Chris Mosier: No, no. Sorry. We were fiancee. We’re now married, so I just call her my wife. My bad.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah, no, it’s good. I mean, that’s young, man. So when you think about that, were you raised in religion? Was that something you did? Was that just you found that person right away and you knew that she was your soulmate? Or how did that happen? Because a lot of people, I didn’t take that pass.

Dr. Chris Mosier: No, no. So yeah, we both Ellen and I grew up in church, that was just what we did. That story is interesting because, man, I was in high school and I was hanging out with my buddies, because I’m a big football player, offensive guard. And so I was hanging out with friends and doing things that probably, well, to be honest, I shouldn’t be doing. And one of my coaches handed me a book, and it was a Jesus freaks book. And what it was was stories of martyrs and they just shared how they were praying. And all of a sudden, the soldiers come in, they take him to jail, beat them, they just died for their faith. And when I read that, I thought, this is powerful. Whatever I do with my life, I’m gonna serve God and deliver the best.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: That was the turning point. That was a major fork in the road and you took the other path. You took that path.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Yeah. So that ties so well onto what I’m sharing. Ellen with these migraines, we see a chiropractor. He absolutely changes our world.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Like curiosity. Okay, so now you’re like, okay, I’m gonna pray for everything. So how’d you meet your wife?

Dr. Chris Mosier: I like that. So we were in high school physics class. We were in physics class and I was playing dumb. I was like, well, I don’t know how to approach this really pretty girl. So hey, can you help me with my homework? And she’s like, yeah. And she would give me these answers. Now, don’t tell my wife this. This is just me and you, all right? She had the wrong answers. So I was like, okay, I’m gonna go back to my seat, change my answers, put the right answers. Regardless, I got an A in the class. She barely passed. But I want the girl. But just keep that between me and you.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Gentleman, by the way. So was that before or after the book?

Dr. Chris Mosier: I think after, but go ahead.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: So you read the book, and then you learn humility. So you actually knew how to be a gentleman, and that’s how you got the girl because, hey, you’re not doing right. The ego driven person, you wouldn’t get the girl. You would have made wrong, she would have laughed. Christ showed you humility because he’s like, look, man, you need to put your big old football player. No, don’t use that person. We’re going to take your loving heart, and that’s how you got her. So yes, that’s a great start.

Dr. Chris Mosier: I like it. Yeah. Yeah. And now, she’s pregnant with our third little boy.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Congratulations. Alright, so she is in college. She’s getting rip and migraines. Nobody can help her probably, right?

Dr. Chris Mosier: Yeah, yeah. And the medical provider said, hey, I’m sorry about your luck, but you’re gonna have to deal with this for the rest of your life. And so, chiropractic swoops in and just absolutely saves the day.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: I never knew about chiropractic in college, so how did it swoop in for you?

Dr. Chris Mosier: Well, so my parents had a friend that was a chiropractor, and we went to church together. So as I was trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life, my parents were like, well, why don’t you just go to lunch with him and ask him questions. So I’m sitting at the facilities eating breadsticks. Not really the healthiest meal ever, but we’re eating and he’s talking about how chiropractic helps with low back pain. And then he said, yeah, even migraines. And my eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. I was like, you need to see Ellen. I need to bring Ellen to you.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: I keep interrupting you. When you look at the Healed System, if you have the belief that everything in your life happens for a reason, that comes with the good and the bad. So you look at the book, you’d look at the physics class, you look at your wife, you look at swooped in, that’s a God word. Swoop in is a God word. So that’s awesome.

Dr. Chris Mosier: So the story takes kind of an interesting twist because, yeah, chiropractic, absolutely amazing, changed the world. I decided, hey, I’m gonna become a chiropractor. And this is absolutely amazing. I go to school and I study really hard. And school is tough. School is really tough. I don’t share this on my podcast. I don’t share this with patients. I don’t share this anywhere. But I’ll share it with you guys. I really struggled through school. There’s some classes that, well, I had to retake. I started down this negative spiral of, I’m dumb, I’m stupid, I’m not good enough, this whole mess. And I finally made it. I finally got through school. I pass all my classes, all the boards and all the good stuff. And now, I got this degree and I’m like, oh, yeah, I’m gonna save the world. I landed a job as an associate and what I did was comparing my chapter one to their chapter like 20. 

And so I was doing this negative cycle of like, man, I suck. I’m not good enough. Patients don’t want to come see me. I’m not making a difference. That one chiropractor that saved Ellen’s life from migraines, I wanted to make a difference like that, and I’m all jacked up. So I was like, man, I’m not good enough. I’m just gonna quit. I’m gonna go to the owners, and I’m gonna be like, hey, I’m just gonna go work in a factory somewhere. I’m not good enough to be a chiropractor. I’m not good enough to be people’s doctor. I told that to Ellen and she at the time was pregnant with our first son, Isaiah. She was very pregnant, six months pregnant, belly just bulging out. And remember, I’m an offensive lineman build, so I’m a big dude. And we’re getting ready in the morning, I tell her, I’m going in today. I’m gonna let them know that I’m done. I can’t do this anymore. She grabs me by my shirt and she pins me up against the wall. Man, duck fret. I literally could not move. I think my feet came off the floor. I don’t know. I think she had super strength. I’m not even kidding.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: That’s mama, man.

Dr. Chris Mosier: But she said something so powerful. I mean, her finger was in my face and she said, I don’t want to ever hear you say that again. You are the reason I don’t have migraines anymore. And then she looked down at her belly and she pointed to Isaiah and said, and he needs you to duck for that. That rocked me. That absolutely rocked me.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Man, that breath that brings almost tears to my eyes.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Yeah. So she pins me up against the wall. If I ever hear you say that, it wasn’t good, right? And that totally rocked my world because I was like, this is important. I need to not focus on myself. Because God within me has a purpose for me, and it’s to serve people. And everything in my practice changed. We actually decided, you know what? Let’s start our own practice. Let’s start our own thing. And so we moved down to southern Indiana and started our own thing with a shoestring budget. I was even working at Family Dollar. Marketing by day, and by night, I’m working at Family Dollar making eight bucks an hour. I got a Family Dollar story, if you want to hear that. That’s pretty powerful. So after Ellen spoke to me pretty firmly, I decided, hey, I’m not gonna get down myself. I’m going to whatever scenario I’m in, I’m going to be the best I possibly can be. So at Family Dollar, I’m a cashier, and I’m supposed to sell these reese cups, which aren’t the healthiest thing in the world. So I’m supposed to sell these Reese cups as a push for when they come into the register. I’m so excited. I see this one lady come through and come to my register, and I’m like, girl, I am so excited to see you. Would you like to know why? Or would you like to know why I’m so happy? And she said, yeah, sure, kid. I said, because I get to see you today. And instantly, she broke down in tears because she was like, I don’t know who you are, but that is the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me in months. My kids are hooked on drugs. I’m losing everything that I own. I’m losing my house. And you’re like, honey, you are an angel. And I thought to myself, well, I’m just being a goofball trying to start my own practice. I got a kid at home that I’m trying to feed that’s why I work in here as a cashier, even though I have a doctorate degree. But if I can make that big of an impact as a cashier, what kind of impact am I gonna make when I’m doing what God called me to do?

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Isn’t that amazing? Miracle moments, man. It chokes you up right now.

Dr. Chris Mosier: It’s powerful. It’s been a handful of years since that moment. If you think about it, we got the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit’s powerful. And sometimes, that Holy Spirit, it doesn’t have vocal cords. But it does, it has to use someone else. And Ellen, it was definitely using Ellen vocal cords to get through me. So it’s pretty powerful.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Well, and isn’t it amazing because you look at so many marriages, I mean, the divorce rate is over 50% these days. I live in Orange County, California where it’s like 70%. Whatever that’s about.

Dr. Chris Mosier: You guys are supposed to be happy over there, it’s always Sunny.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: A little block from the beach and divorce rates through the roof. But the thing is, and I just recently got married. Fortunately, if you’re humble, then you realize your spouse who’s the last one you want to hear it from is exactly the message that you need to hear. And a lot of times, God speaks through them. My son is 29, so the teenage years kids aren’t teenagers yet, right?

Dr. Chris Mosier: No, no. Yesterday, we dropped Isaiah off on the school bus for kindergarten. Now, my second child, Isaac, he’s so used to having Isaiah. He’s like, my Isaiah, I say, get off this bus. So it’s, yeah, we’re in a different stage, my friend.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: When they get to teenagers, then you find out you’re the last person they want advice from. We’re just trying to get to like right now, so that’s interesting. But your wife stood up, man, and put her finger in your face, a big old lineman. I don’t know, it doesn’t matter what size she is. She can be 98 pounds and she wouldn’t be here. So that’s the whole thing. Sometimes, our spouse is, we sometimes want them to be like us, but the differences are the gift. When you can honor the differences, and it took me a couple times to figure that out. And then when you learn to appreciate the differences, that it is a God given person. And Marriages are made to heal. You helped her heal physically, she helped you heal spiritually and emotionally, and that’s the way it should be. We help each other heal.

Dr. Chris Mosier: I am probably my wife’s biggest child and the biggest project.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Metaphorically and literally, yes. So anyway, you have that day, you said, oh, my God, if I can affect this one woman as a cashier, what can I do as a doctor fulfilling my life purpose? And then what happened? Now you have a whole new perspective. Number one, not on what you do. People get so focused on what they do that they forget who they are, but that probably gave you a whole new spiritual identity.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Oh, yeah, that jacked me up. Now remind you, I’ll back up the story just a little bit because this is kind of neat. So in our building we now have paid off the entire building, but the down payment was 10 grand, okay. And that’s everything we had. So we gave everything we had for a downpayment of this building. And when we signed the papers and got the key, we had nothing. So we went over here, and the building still needed to be renovated. Get ready for a chiropractic office. And Isaac, or excuse me, Isaiah, my oldest, was seven days old. So we moved to a town, didn’t know anybody, started practice, and he was just born.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Or maybe a couple of bags.

Dr. Chris Mosier: So he had a soiled diaper, so Ellen is changing his diaper and she’s crying because she’s like, what did we just do? We just gave away everything. And Dr. Fred, I, being kind of strong and the tough guy that I tried to be, I went to the back because I didn’t want her to see me cry. And I’m just like, God, I don’t know what’s going on. And so now fast forward, the Family Dollar, I’m working there and I’m talking to God, and I’m like, God, why are you putting me through this? Why did you tell me that I need to start my practice and that you need me to go to Salem, which is where I practice. The same question I asked today. God, why me? I used to ask, why me? Why am I going through this? Now, I ask, why me? Why have you blessed me with all these patients? Why have you blessed me with all this now? And the answer that I always get is, you’ve not seen nothing yet.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Awesome. You’re like, God, I don’t have a dime. Why me? Why am I going through this? What was the answer back then?

Dr. Chris Mosier: Just wait. Just wait, watch this.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: God talks. He doesn’t speak in paragraphs. Well, Chris, before you came into your human body, he’s like, no, wait=, that’s like one word. Most of the time for me, it’s like, yeah, rest, breathe, wait.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Yes, absolutely. Now, what’s really cool is so we were on a shoestring budget and we had nothing. And backup just a few months, we applied for this countywide grant where you got like four or $5,000 just to help start up a business because they want to do businesses in the small county. Well, I totally forgot about it. We were to the point that we borrowed all the money we could possibly borrow from our family. No bank is going to loan us anything. I mean, we were just in debt to our eyeballs. And so all of a sudden, I thought I was gonna have to tell everybody the grand opening, the open house and all that, we’re just gonna have to cancel because there’s nothing left. We can’t even pay the contractor. It was done. It was over. Well, all of a sudden, I got this check in the mail and it was just enough to pay off everything and get the doors open.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: You didn’t even apply for anything?

Dr. Chris Mosier: Well, no, we applied for it months ago, I just forgot about it. And then all of a sudden, when I needed it, here it came. So here comes the check. We pay off everything. And Dr. Fred, I don’t know how this happened, but we have been in the block ever since, serving people the best we know how to.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: What a great lesson. They say that God gives us our daily bread, God’s never late. But could you be a little center? I have a story like that. When my wife passed away with cancer, I knew she was going to die and I was traveling and I can’t travel. If she dies when I’m out of town to a seminar, there’s a teaching seminar, there’s no way. But that was half my income, and I couldn’t pay my bill. So I just said, okay,  God, you’re gonna have to take care of it. And what I started doing was tithing. Tithing money I didn’t have, metaphorically put it at the bottom of the cross. And the same thing, checks started showing up out of nowhere. My mortgage company refunded me 4,500 bucks and said that I overpaid my mortgage. What mortgage company says you overpaid your mortgage? I got a tax check back for 5,000 bucks and I called my account, it goes, I have no idea why you got that check. You’re not supposed to get that check. I had a friend of mine send me a $6,000 check to coach him. He said that I’m your friend and I know you wouldn’t charge me, you have a check in the mail, you can’t send it back, you have to take it. So anyway, a bunch of things happen. Mine was about three months in a row, like eight to $10,000 showed up out of nowhere. Totally unexplainable. 

So it’s like, man, if you guys know you’re on this website, H-E-A-L-E-D with dr. Fred, I do these videos every week. We’re in the process of loading them up there. But man, faith is the substance. It’s substance. Faith is your belief before the substance shows, and then once you see the substance and there’s evidence of evidence not seen, but that becomes the evidence. So faith creates, God creates through you, creates the substance, then you have evidence, and then your faith turns into belief. But the hope is way too small. So just because I’m on this topic right now, we’ll get back to your story. When you look back into the Aramaic language, which is what Jesus spoke, the word for faith in Aramaic has a Semitic root. And it means eternal. It means unending, never ceasing. And I’m like, that’s a lot more than hope. Like in Hebrews 11:1 says, faith is the thing we hope for. No, it’s eternal. Faith is divine moving through you, and then it creates substance, and then you have evidence, and then you never question it again. So what a great story, man. God is never late, but we’d love to use it a little bit early. But maybe that’s what builds your faith.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Yeah, absolutely. Because it is stronger than ever. It is absolutely amazing. Being able to feel his presence and feel, yeah, he has my back, literally. He has my back.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah, that’s nice. And then as you get older, you might have to shave your back a little bit to do that. So I was like in my 60’s, and now I gotta run that razor over there about once a month. I can’t reach back there. Can you cover that?

Dr. Chris Mosier: The only thing I’m shaving is, well, I’m not even shaving here.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah, no, it’s all good. So anyway, so there you are. Now you’re out of this clinic, man, and then you started this podcast. So what was your inspiration there? You obviously want to move beyond your patients, so what was the vision to start moving beyond just seeing patients and getting the message out into the world?

Dr. Chris Mosier: Well, the big thing is we kept growing as an office, as a patient base, and that’s awesome. Reaching these numbers, and when you reach a certain number, all of a sudden it’s like, oh, now what? You had this goal for success and it’s like, oh, now I’m there. Okay, I guess I go for a bigger number. And so with that, you want to keep reaching more. I’m having conversations with patients, and I’m adjusting a big old dude who has sciatica. So he knows that chiropractic care helps with sciatica pain. Got it, check, check the box. But I’m like, yeah, I just saw an infant, mama brought her infant for ear infections and he looks at me like I have three heads and four feet. It’s like, what? Do you adjust infants? And of course, of course, we do. Dr. Fred, you’ve probably adjusted thousands of babies. And neuroplasticity that is in these infants and how fast they respond is absolutely amazing. And so my mind goes, people need to know this, I need to share this. I got a microphone, I got this webcam, let’s just try this. If God’s gonna bless me with practice, maybe, why not? And so it’s been really fun for myself. I’ve interviewed you, Dr. Fred, and your story is absolutely phenomenal. I just interviewed a really successful Doc, and right before we got on this episode here, it’s one of those moments where I never even thought I would be able to meet such high level successful Doc’s like yourself and the doc that I met earlier, but it’s opened up a lot of doors. It’s like, God, you’re in this. You’re in this as well. This is fun.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah. So the question comes to mind, how common is it that people say that I’m not good enough? That’s been an internal conversation in everybody’s life, and I think that when you find a purpose, and I always say, find a purpose, that’s so big that you need God’s help because there’s no way you can do it yourself. A natural human instinct is to say, I’m not good enough. At least at some point, I mean, I’ve done it a bunch of times. So what would be your, I’ll use the word advice. It’s not even a recommendation, epiphany. Because when you look back, and when you say, I’m not good enough, and you look at yourself now, how would you look back at yourself? And what would you say to yourself back then knowing who you are and who you will continue to grow to be in your future?

Dr. Chris Mosier: Hmm. I love that question. I think about that in many different ways. For instance, I mentioned earlier that I got this kindergartener son and I want him to view himself in a positive manner. I don’t want him to think, oh, I’m not good enough. That’s my son, so that’s literally like talking to myself just many years ahead of time. So it’s like, going back into the future, positive affirmations, which in your book, you talk about so eloquently that it is awesome if anybody needs to read, if you’re making a book list, put Dr. Fred’s book there.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: You Are More Powerful Than You Think. Just go to Amazon.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Yes, absolutely. I’ve read your book twice, and it’s powerful. So thinking about this, there’s only so much that I can tell Isaiah, or tell my past me, there’s a point where you just have to go through it. And I think that’s where we find that grid of, I personally went through where I really struggled, I didn’t know where our next meal was gonna come, and I have to start this practice because God told me to. Well, now that I’m on the other side of that, I know that I am powerful, and I know that I can do it.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: It was your faith. You just said the key, I have to do it because God told me to. That was your faith. He gave you strength. And everybody has fear. The difference is, people with courage walk through it, they don’t feel it any less. But courage allows you to walk through it. Where does courage come from? Faith.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Absolutely. And I think the biggest thing and the biggest advice, or recommendation, or whatever it is for your audience is you got to be focused on others. Not so internally focused on what was me and I’m not good enough. It’s like, no, God made you in his image. You breathe, not everybody, but you have blood in your veins, you breathe here. God can use you. I don’t know where this quote comes from, but your pain is a platform for your purpose, and there’s something that people need you for. And something I tell my patients all the time is that your story matters. So much of the time, I think that’s where my depression and anxiety came from, I just didn’t think anybody cared about my story. No one cared. And it was like, whatever Doc, I’m not gonna sign up for your corrective care plan because I don’t care what you have to say. Well, no, they do because they needed to hear my story. Our stories are powerful. So yeah, my advice is that your story matters.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah. And your story is like an elevator. People become their story of their pain, rather than becoming the story of how they use that to find their purpose. And you’ve been through the Healed System. I mean, you read the book. So in the second established purpose and mission, many things came from pain. I mean, H-E-A-L-E-D came from watching my wife take her last breath. I had to go through that to be able to want to evolve, and I throw this out on your podcast. After that I laid in bed one morning, and I was sick because my body was, I was so bummed. I kept getting physically sick and then I said, I just want to become the best man that I can. So I can find the most amazing woman that I can just have a happy marriage with. And now, I marry that woman, my wife, Molly Rose. She’ll be on a podcast coming up after this one, and she’s got an amazing story. But the bottom line is, if I didn’t go through that, I wouldn’t have gone through the accelerated spiritual elevation where God could give me this, where I could be blessed to be her husband. Now it’s like, man, when you’re in it and you don’t find it, and you don’t understand the gift, you wallow in your pain, but there’s a gift in every pain. And you may have to kind of surrender through the pain, but there’s always a gift on the other side. And once you get that, it’s like, man, when you can be grateful for the pain as the gift and the miracle that God took you through is so great. When you can do that, man, then you can lead others because other people don’t know how to get through their pain. And that’s really helping other people. That’s it. And one thing, Tony Robbins says that if you’re depressed, it’s because you’re focusing on yourself and not focusing on giving others. So when you’re fulfilling your purpose, and it’s hard, why do you do it? Because the impact of what you’re going to go through is going to help so many people that there’s no greater gift.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Absolutely. I totally agree.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: So to wrap this up, what final words would you like to leave with these people that are engaged in this?

Dr. Chris Mosier: I think the main thing is, your story matters, which I know I’ve said before. But God loves you. He didn’t put you through a painful situation and not use it. Like I said, it’s your platform. There’s someone out there that needs to hear your story. I hope, I pray that you’re willing to take that leap of faith and share your story, whatever it may be. I really want to encourage each and every one of us to continue to share that story and find that fulfillment, that God given purpose in our lives.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah. Well, that’s so powerful. And let me give a reframe to that because he is a significant word, God didn’t put you through the pain. God is only love. We go through pain, but he always uses your pain. Because there are pastors out there that say, well, God did this. God did this, then people end up hating God. God didn’t do that. He might have done it, people’s consciousness might, there’s many reasons that I can’t explain that have divine reasons. God never put you through pain, but he will always use it. I know that’s what you meant. And he goes through it with you. It’s always they’re, always there as you’re going through it. Just wait.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Absolutely.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Just relax. Have faith. Hey, thank you so much. That was such an amazing story, man. And I thank you for sharing things on here that you haven’t shared with other people. I’ve heard some of your story before, but I never heard all that. And you’re just such a blessing. Just sit there smiling, you can see God’s Spirit emanating and eliminating from your eyes. And thank you for making a difference. Sometimes, we have so many goals,and we want to make an impact that we think we’re not making as big of an impact as we really are. And just your presence and your consciousness makes an impact, and then when you get up and speak and do something, it’s a thousand times greater. So thanks for that.

Dr. Chris Mosier: Thank you so much.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Love you guys. Hey, if this helped you in any way, please subscribe, please share and go to H-E-A-L-E-D with Dr. Fred Facebook page, we have tons of videos on there. You can also go to youaremorepowerful.com, we have the whole Healed System on there. And how do they find out about you and get your podcast, Dr. Chris?

Dr. Chris Mosier: Well, it’s called Thriving with Chiropractic. You can find it on Spotify, you can find it on Apple. It even has a YouTube channel called Thriving with Chiropractic. So yeah, that’s where you can find our podcasts.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Awesome. Thank you. You’re a blessing in peace.