Generational trauma is the transmission of unresolved intergenerational experiences of adversity from one generation to the next. It is an inherited form of trauma, and its symptoms can manifest both mentally and physically, such as anxiety, depression, impaired emotional regulation and difficulty in forming deep, healthy relationships. It’s essential to acknowledge that even if we didn’t directly experience these traumas, we may still be affected by them, and it’s important to find ways to heal this trauma. 

Every family and generation is affected by trauma to some degree. But by taking steps to heal trauma and build resilience, we can break the cycle, helping to create healthier and more positive environments for the generations yet to come.

In this episode, we are joined by Molly Rose Holmes for the second time to talk about how we can identify and break generational patterns. Dr. Fred and Molly also discuss how we become conditioned by limiting beliefs, why we need to look deep into our family roles, how to turn triggers into opportunities for healing, how we can access our purpose, and how we can help others find healing too.


“We can heal this stuff and our children don’t have to suffer from the same things. Our inner children can be healed, and we can be free.” —Molly Rose Holmes


Episode Highlights:

  • 03:39 From Trauma to Triumph
  • 09:01 Healing Generational Patterns
  • 14:02 How We Become Conditioned 
  • 20:01 Healed People Heal People
  • 24:33 Family Rules and Family Roles
  • 30:26 The Path of Self-Forgiveness






Hurt people hurt people. Healed people heal people. Join @drfred100m and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Molly Rose Holmes as they teach us how to break generational patterns. #HEALED #generationalpatterns #trauma #abuse #alcoholism #familyhealing #limitingbeliefs #conditioning



05:56 “Healing is an inside out job. It’s built into the DNA.” —Molly Rose Holmes

10:05 “I don’t have to identify with any of the things that happened to me because what happened to me isn’t who I am; what I inherited isn’t who I am. I’m a child of God— that heals everything.” —Molly Rose Holmes

11:37 “Our purpose is to break the generational pattern, And then we change generations for life.” —Fred DiDomenico

14:54 “The problem isn’t the alcohol. The problem is the trauma, the emotions that are being passed through the generations.” —Fred DiDomenico

18:44 “People in pain will act out their pain. People that feel pain inside will behave in painful ways.” —Fred DiDomenico

20:02 “Healed people heal people.” —Molly Rose Holmes

24:08 “It is almost self-abusive if you believe that you’re not deserving of God’s wonderful abundance.” —Fred DiDomenico

24:51 “In order to get to where we want to go, we have to look at where we’ve come from and look at our family roles.” —Molly Rose Holmes

25:58 “Whatever is coming up is an opportunity and whatever is triggering you is telling you that there’s something inside that’s coming up for healing.” —Molly Rose Holmes

30:17 “We can heal this stuff and our children don’t have to suffer from the same things. Our inner children can be healed, and we can be free.” —Molly Rose Holmes

32:28 “When you can turn fear and pain into gratitude and love, that is when you can let it go.” —Fred DiDomenico


Meet Molly:

Molly Rose Holmes is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist who has a specialization in Spiritual Psychology. Also certified as an energy healer, massage therapist, and yoga instructor, she uses a holistic approach to healing and wellness. Her clients say that she has her own transformative brand of woo-infused alchemy that blends science and soul. And she has successfully worked with individuals and families all over the world to help them truly thrive. As the creator of the Mindful Attachment Parenting approach, also known as the Zen Mommy MAP, she empowers parents to heal generational patterns and to find their family zen!