We often think that changing our current situation is hard and complicated. We believe that we need to have a lot of knowledge and skills to make a change. We also think that it will take a lot of time and effort to see any results.

However, the reality is that changing our current situation is actually simple. We don’t need to know everything, and we don’t need to do it all by ourselves. The truth is that we can create the life we want if we just keep it simple because it is. 

In this episode, Dr. Fred interviews Healer and Divine Conduit for Divine Energies, Rob Wergin. Rob didn’t know it at the time, but when he was a kid, he had a unique ability— an ability that his family didn’t accept. As a result, Rob forgot who he was and tried to conform to what others wanted for him. He became a very successful businessman, but behind the curtains, he was depressed and in pain— until he found himself again.

Listen in as Dr. Fred and Rob shares Rob shares 3 simple ways we can transform our life and build a much better future. They also talk about how we can rediscover our true selves, heal the broken parts of our life, start anew, and give our 1000% in that moment of surrender— when we are ready to let go of the control and let the Divine take care of us. 


“You think you know what’s wrong with you and you don’t. So just stop thinking about what you don’t want, be in surrender, and let God take care of you. –Rob Wergin


Episode Highlights:

  • 04:31 Finding Out It Wasn’t Normal!
  • 12:13 Fixing What Was Broken 
  • 19:14 Rediscovering Who You Are! 
  • 28:22 Starting Out Anew
  • 35:45 Give It Your 1000%
  • 40:28 3 Steps to Transform Your Life
  • 44:19 The Moment of Surrender





We think it’s complicated and hard— but it’s not. Listen in as @drfred100m and Divine Conduit for Divine Energies Rob Wergin talk about how we can heal and transform our life in 3 simple ways. #HEALED #newpodcast #lifetransformation #health #hope… Share on X



03:15 “Today, you need stamina. Hope gives you stamina.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

03:47 “Let all this energy that’s going on right now help us let go of the past so we can create a different future.” –Rob Wergin 

05:16 “Let God let God do what God does.” –Rob Wergin 

11:39 “When we were young, we come in with these gifts. We know who we are. But then we listen to other people who don’t understand who God created us to be. And then we make a decision.”  -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

15:31 “I have absolute faith and trust and belief that when I asked God for help, the help would occur.” –Rob Wergin 

16:31 “God wants to hire you.” –Rob Wergin 

17:44 “The hardest thing for driven people is that surrender is the number one lesson we’re supposed to learn.”  -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

34:06 “I have to learn to get completely out of the way and completely trust and have faith.” –Rob Wergin

38:07 “Keep it simple because it is. You can’t explain it so don’t try. Just trust it. –Rob Wergin 

39:12 “When you have faith, God works through you.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

44:54 “You think you know what’s wrong with you and you don’t. So just stop thinking about what you don’t want, be in surrender, and let God take care of you. –Rob Wergin 


Meet Rob Wergin:

Rob’s work as Divine Conduit for Divine Energies has changed the fate of over 250,000 people in the last 18 years. His gift of connecting the soul to the energy of the Divine is the pathway for transformation.  When the connection is received, and the mind patterns fully engage in trust and belief, miracles occur. It is Rob’s intention to be a portal of the highest light as it creates transformation for your highest good. He brings forth your Divine Light and Love and allows the miracles of Source to come forth.  




Dr. Fred DiDomenico: This is the H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred Podcast. H.E.A.L.E.D is a system organized into six simple steps to heal your life, helps you tap into your innate divinity, heal of your past, discover and live your soul and life purpose. The reason you are truly here in this life. You’re going to be listening to people who face their challenges and traumas in life, found a way through them and are now living and fulfilling their soul and life purpose. These episodes will be enlightening, heartwarming, emotional, restore hope, faith and inspiration to you to live all you are created to be. Everyone is welcome.

Hey, would you like to heal your life? Is there some area in your life that you would like to transcend to another level? Do you feel like you’re stuck in this glass ceiling and you’re looking through and you can see every vision of everything you want, desire you feel in your heart but you’re just trying to break through? I’ve been like that at many points in my life. Is there a relationship in your life, maybe a marriage, maybe a relationship with your kids, maybe a friend that you’ve broken apart or some traumatic things that happened that you really want to let go, you want to build a relationship with. 

Do you feel like you’re in a job that may not be fulfilling or you feel like, hey, I look around and everything’s good in my life, but there’s something inside me that wants to do something more, that wants to contribute more. Maybe you’re successful and you feel like your heart is being pulled in another area. Is there a financial condition that you would like help with? I’m tired of not having the money I want. I’m tired of working hard. I’m tired of feeling like I’m struggling and you just want to break through. We’ve all experienced this at certain points in our life, and that’s part of our human life. There’s things and traumas that happen throughout our life, we carry it with us, we believe that we are what we’ve been through and all these belief systems that get clouded in our mind that create these barriers from the breakthrough of who we’re really created to be of the divinity that we feel inside us. That power that we know is inside us but we may or may not know how to tap into. 

Hey, I’m Dr. Fred Didomenico, and welcome to The H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred Podcast. And the reason I’m going through this H.E.A.L.E.D is six simple steps that can heal your life. Now, how did this come about? When you hear this story of how it was developed, and how it was divinely given and what’s happened since then, man, there’s so much potential inside us that we can discover who we were created to be. we can discover who we are. And Mark Twain has a famous quote to the most important days of our lives. So the day we were born, and the day we discovered why. Isn’t that amazing? We are all created here for a purpose on 139, 16 says, your days were formed, I’m paraphrasing, before we came here. Imagine if you’re in heaven with God and you’re looking at a movie trailer of your life and you see, man, this is what I’m going to come into. I’m so excited. And we come into this world. Man, we forget that we may have picked it. And then we go through all these things and what’s really our journey to discover who were created to be, to tap in our heart, to take the longest, shortest journey from our mind for our heart to connect with our spirit to who we really are, and to be able to attain a whole nother level of consciousness. Because we say, there’s only one problem and I’ve figured this out through decades of life. There’s only one problem we ever have in our life, and this is what makes it simple. Because we go through so many things. You’re like, I have so many problems. How do I fix them? Trust me, I’ve been there, but there’s really only one problem. And that’s your level of consciousness. It’s kinda like an eagle. 

When an eagle flies at a lower altitude, they have crows that peck on him. Do you know that crows actually ride on the back of eagles? They pack on them and they pick on their tail. Eagles are much bigger, crows are smaller and much more maneuverable. And so how does an eagle that’s a metaphor for flying for lower outs enough, an eagle is flying 10 feet off the ground because they have to go down to the ground to feed, catch fish or maybe feed on a carcass. But if they’re flying at 10 feet, what’s their view of the world? You have all these crumbs that are packing on, but when an eagle flies at a thousand feet, do you think their whole perspective of the world changes? There’s no crows at a thousand feet. So this is how to raise your consciousness. How to see yourself, the whole world, from a whole new perspective to be able to break through that glass ceiling and to be able to see yourself, the reason why you’re here to be able to contribute to humanity, find the peace, joy and love of who were created to be to feel that and experience that in your heart and in your life every day, to be able to radiate that out to others, and to be able to make a bigger difference. Because isn’t that really our deepest desire is we want our life to mean something. As long as we’re here, everybody is seeking meaning. Would you agree? And if we can get to a higher meaning in life, if we can break through that glass ceiling and we can create a meaning and a life that makes a difference in more people’s lives, especially, and it starts with ourselves, then what in our life will be more fulfilling. Because one day, these anatomical eyes are going to close and what we may realize is that our spiritual eyes have been open the whole time. And so we’re going to talk about the H.E.A.L.E.D system. 

So let’s go into the story of how it was created. Because when you understand it, then you can see, I don’t need to know anything about religion, I don’t need to be spiritual, I don’t really need to know anything. But what we really need to know is to follow the steps. And if you follow the steps, if you can walk up the staircase, then anyone can raise their consciousness, you just have to be winging it, you have to have empowering beliefs. The only belief you need to have is I’m willing to walk up that staircase, to discover who I really am, why I’m here, and to make the biggest contribution to love myself more if we can establish godlike love with ourselves. Man, the impact that we can make other people is really life changing. So how, what’s the H.E.A.L.E.D. 

Backstory on H.E.A.L.E.D. So I was raised kind of Catholics. I was raised in religion. I mean, I went to church every Sunday, but I found many people that religion has a great purpose, and it’s foundational beliefs. Yet, I saw contradictions. I would see right from Genesis 1:27 we’re creating like us an image of God. But if we’re like that, then why are we sinners? How can we be created in the likeness and image of God, yet be a center. I don’t get it. And religion says Eve ate the apple, and then we came into the world, maybe that was how we went from the Garden of Eden from truly being in heaven into this physical world of humanity. Maybe that was a transition from our consciousness of divinity into the consciousness of humanity. And maybe, that was the inception of the veil of ignorance of who we really are. I mean, that’s a theory. I’m just saying. But if we are the likeness and image of God, and there’s several verses, I can’t quote them off the top of my head because this whole podcast is improvisational right now. I’m just going off top of my head. I figured, you know what? I had things written, and I just want to be into what my heart says. And for you guys that were listening, hopefully, this appeals to your heart. Maybe God knows what you need to hear more than what I want to say. 

But there are several verses in the Bible that say, God is the temple, the temple is within us. God’s spirit is within us. God’s Spirit is love. God’s Spirit is universal intelligence, and that love intelligence is in us. And if that’s who we really are, then why are we sinners? And there were a number of contradictions. Another thing was, I’m not preaching religion here. Although I was raised Christian, Jesus is perfect. You can never be like him. You can never be perfect because we’re sinners. Yet, Jesus said that you can do all these things and greater. I didn’t understand that. Why would he say that? Because I’m sitting there thinking, if anybody probably wasn’t lying to the universe, the history of man, I don’t think it was Jesus. And he said: “We can do all these things and greater.” And what hit me later, after I started delving into H.E.A.L.E.D and all these spiritual principles was he didn’t come to show us who he is. That’s what religion says. He really came to show us who we are. And isn’t that amazing? Man, if we can discover who Jesus is, and when he shows us who we are, what’s really our potential, and we see all these people with those bracelets, WWJD, What Would Jesus Do? And as that reminder to raise our consciousness. 

Now, here’s the problem in our humanity. They learned this from Tony Robbins. One of the most important needs, it’s an emotional need. It’s in our human mind, not in our dominion, but in our human mind is to remain consistent with who we believe we are. That’s called cognitive bias. Why is that? Because our mind loves certainty. Why? Because our most basic instinct, basic instinct, is survival. So our mind loves what we already know. So we develop these belief systems of who we are, and could be that those belief systems could be totally self destructive, but our mind loves certainty. Our mind loves what we already know. So we will stay and do anything we can to remain certain of who we are. Yet, isn’t that the contradiction between our divinity who were created to be the vision and purpose of why we’re here, and that’s what creates the glass ceiling. 

So the first thing is, are your beliefs giving you the life you want? Because God gives us free will. He gives us free will to choose to stay to those beliefs, and it gives us free will for us to change our beliefs. So if our life isn’t giving us the fulfilling life, contributing the lives of others, which I’m sure you’re all doing. To be able to fulfill our purpose, even know our purpose and fulfill it, we do have the opportunity to change our beliefs. So are you willing to be able to heal your life, love yourself and discover a man if that’s really true and create likeness and image of God, possibly have moments where we love ourselves, like God loves us, to be able to release our past, come into present time, be able to hear the innate whispers of God inside us our intuition, guiding us our spirit, guiding us into our divinely assigned purpose and then be able to fulfill that. And that’s what H.E.A.L.E.D really is. 

So when all the years go on to church and questioning, questioning religion. Well, I went through like, okay, if I’m a Senator, then I’m gonna live like a sin. I figured, fine. You know what? If that’s what you say, and then I’m gonna try it your way. And what I found out very shortly was that it was a miserable life. Then I noticed that anybody tried that, you tried a bunch of pain, and then you realized that it didn’t really like pain anymore. I just turned 61, today’s may 26, 2022. Whenever you’re watching this, I turned 61 this year in February and I noticed that in my 40’s, I could still take pain in my 50’s, I didn’t really want pain in my 60’s, that’s not an option anymore. I definitely don’t want pain. Can anybody relate to that? What are you willing to tolerate with each decade, you’re willing to tolerate less and less? Isn’t that fascinating? 

So anyway, I became a chiropractor, that’s why I’m a doctor. I noticed people would say, wow, I knew that was my life purpose. It was God driven. I knew I was being directed there. And even though I didn’t buy into every precept of religion, I had a relationship with God, and I knew God was guiding me. I knew I was here for a purpose. I had no idea why went through drugs, went through all these things. I found my purpose, I’m a chiropractor and people would say, there was a Doc Fred, you’re so happy and so positive, you know your purpose is. And they would say, I don’t know what my purpose is. And I felt like that was about 80% of the people. I would feel sad, like there was part of my heart. And I realized that I was very blessed to be inspired and purpose driven. 

So I got married, and I married a chiropractor. We were so purpose driven that we didn’t put time into our marriage, and it was like God purpose relationships. And that didn’t work out so well. Because after five years, we had a great business, but we ended up divorced. And then I realized, yeah, that’s the wrong order. God was right. But there’s so many people now, I coach chiropractors where, has anybody ever experienced success? You’re not happy at home, and it’s just not worth it. I believe when our eyes are about to close and we’re nearing the end of our life, the one thing that you’re going to value most isn’t that, yeah, maybe if you made a bunch of money, it could be the legacy that you’re leaving your kids, that may be great. But that’s only valuable if you have loving relationships with your kids. I’ve come across many people that had a boatload of money, but they didn’t have loving relationships in their life. And not a lot of people will show up after they die. And what’s that? Like Steve Jobs was one of those. I can’t quote one of his famous quotes, but I know he didn’t have a good relationship with his daughter. And that was one of his great regrets. He pursued the world, changed the world, but didn’t have a loving relationship. One of his greatest regrets. 

On the other hand, Bronnie Ware wrote a book called, The Top Five Regrets, and she was a hospice nurse dealing with people that were dying. And what are their regrets was they didn’t fulfill their purpose. And it’s very common. We’re raised up, we do what we think we were supposed to do. I mean, I did that. I became a chiropractor, and I was living my purpose. I thought, I suppose that’s success. I thought I was supposed to have a nice house, nice toys, money in the bank and all that. I had that, but I was so much striving for status and significance that I didn’t put the energy that I should have put into my marriage. And that’s it. I would say Max’s wife would probably say the same thing. 

So what’s the moral of the story? These people were dying, and what did they realize? At all levels of success, they didn’t feel like they lived the life they were called to do. They became a lawyer or a doctor, which are great professions that help people, but they really wanted to be a sculptor, or an artist, or a musician, and they did things in life because their parents wanted them to do that. That’s what they were supposed to do. So what happened? So they didn’t live the life that they were supposed to live, and they were dying with their top regret. 

And so then later, I got married the second time, and this was the most dramatic. Dramatic trauma, the number one trauma in my life. And about three and a half years into marriage, the wife at that time was diagnosed with breast cancer. A year and a half later, she passed. But three weeks before she died, oh, my god, she was so thin, I can’t even describe. She was skin and bones and she wanted to take a bath. I had to carry her weak, feeble body. She was too weak to even walk to the bathtub. I had to carry to the bathtub. And we were planning her life celebration service. And then all of a sudden, she started howling, crying out loud. I’m like, sweetheart, what’s wrong? And she said: “I didn’t do what I felt like I was supposed to do in this life.” Oh, my god. The overwhelm, the weight I felt on my heart, I can’t put into words. Here she was dying without fulfilling a purpose even knowing what it was. And then a very loud voice in my head said, no one in my life will ever say that again. And so a few weeks later, she passed. And after she passed, man, during that recovery, it took me months, obviously, to recover. Actually years. But going through that process, a couple months after she died, I said to myself, You know what? I’m gonna go on an accelerated spiritual journey. I just want to be the best man I can be. Because now, it’s divorce. Now, as a widow. I just want to be the man that can find the most amazing woman. That was it. It was purely selfish. I want to be married one day and have the most amazing life and so I began on this accelerated spiritual journey. Now, I bet on a spiritual journey for years, all these books, author’s seminars, videos, constantly trying to improve myself. But what it felt like was like an Ikea diagram. There’s this piece here, and this piece there, and this piece here, and you didn’t know how to put it together. So I have this mind that works. I can take complicated things and put them into a system. 

So one day, I was trying to develop this chiropractic rehab program and all of a sudden, the acronym H.E.A.L.E.D hit me. It came to me and I started getting all these visions. H.E.A.L.E.D was a spiritually based system to help people tap into their innate divinity, clear their paths, come into presence, hear their innate intuition that God is guiding them to find and live their sole purpose. So I just started writing. I started with H. What I’d like to do is take you through very briefly, the six step systems of H.E.A.L.E.D that can heal your life. This was such a big transformation in me that not only did it change my purpose. I’m still coaching chiropractors. Not only did it change my purpose, it changed the way I teach, It changed the way I coach, I became a spiritually based life coach, I’ve helped hundreds of people transform their life, And it changed me so much because I had to live it to write it. Now, this is May 26, on July 1, 2022, I met that woman. I know I would have never met her if I didn’t evolve my whole level of consciousness, learn to love myself, be able to release the pain in my past. There’s a lot of pain, like everyone. To be able to attract fine and be the man that I can be now, not only for her, but for me with her, for her daughter, for everyone else. And maybe, for you too. And we can do this. 

So let’s start with H, honor God within yourself. And it’s a very simple principle. This phrase was caught coined by Wayne Dyer, if you’re not a human seeking spiritual experiences, you’re a spirit seeking human, having human experiences. And that’s it. And what if we have that reference point? So here we go back to the most basic principle, Genesis 1:27, we’re creating likeness image of God, formed man, male and female, everyone’s the same. We are all children of God. 

And there’s four levels of consciousness that apply to this. One, level of CONSCIOUSNESS. We look at the physical world, and we react to the physical world that has the lowest level of consciousness. That’s our human consciousness. The next higher level is creative VISUALIZATION. We use our mind, we have invasion, we see that vision, your mind doesn’t know what’s inside of you, outside of you. And so then, we can create things in the physical world. It’s also called the law of attraction. That’s the next one. The third one is through INTUITION. It’s not seeing with eyesight, it’s seeing with insight. It’s seeing with your mind’s eye, and that comes from your heart. Intuition comes from when we get our mind, we listen to our heart. And God’s spirit, our innate spirit guide us in the direction. Man, that’s an even higher consciousness. And then the last one, the fourth level is the highest, that is total UNITY. That means, we see male and female as one. We are the loving kindness, the peaceful intelligence. We are peace, love and joy. We see that in ourselves, we radiate it out to other people. We literally radiate and give love to other people. We see in unity regardless of who that person is, because we see that every person is operating on that level of consciousness. Isn’t that amazing? When we understand not just with knowledge, knowledge turns into wisdom through experience. 

Now, I put this H.E.A.L.E.D system in a book, You Are More Powerful Than You Think. You can go to Amazon. I’m also writing a new book that’s called HEAL that you will see on Amazon. Not yet in May, but it will be by the end of the summer. And so these two books will show you and give you action steps on how to attain that. There’s also You Are More Powerful. I spell it out, youaremorepowerful.com. That has this whole system on videos, workbooks and the whole thing where you can actually experience, have moments of God inside you. Isn’t that fascinating? So when I wrote that, my whole perspective changed. 

Then E, exercise loving yourself and others. And when you get you’re more powerful than you think, the first thing I wrote was, do you love yourself? And I thought, yeah, I think I’m pretty cool. You think, yeah, I love myself. I do things to love myself. And then I didn’t write this next statement. Trust me, this book was downloaded to me. I didn’t write that knowledge, but it is a conglomeration of many spiritual sources. Spirituality to me was like a big pile of pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. I didn’t know how to put it together so I took these pieces. God showed me how to take all those pieces and put them together. So the puzzle is complete, and you will see the divinity in the order and progression of this formula. So then I wrote, do you love yourself like God loves you? Man, I put a period at the end of that sentence and I said: “I have no idea what that’s like.” I have no idea what that’s like. I prayed, God, you have to show me. You got to put a book, put a teacher, put something in front of me because I have no idea what that’s like. One chapter took me one year to write. It was the longest chapter, but it was the most powerful. And through living that experience, I actually had moments where I love myself like God loves me. 

Now, do I love myself on a whole nother higher level? Absolutely. When I learned to love myself, and I had self deprecating behaviors, I have critical language and my internal language, I would criticize other people, I was very judgmental about other people. Why? Because I didn’t love myself. Now what happens? Your brain doesn’t know what’s inside of you or outside of you. It only knows what you experience. Isn’t that fascinating? And says in the Bible, I can’t quote the verse, when you judge, you will be judged. It doesn’t mean that when I judge someone, that someone will judge me. What it means is when I judge, I’m experiencing judgment. So with every pain that I get out, I’m experiencing that pain. Now, I’m neuro-plastically wiring in real time pain, because your brain is alive, and it’s a living organ, and is continually wiring and rewiring according to the emotional experiences that you’ve had. Now, because of everything that we’ve gone through, it may be wired in a certain pattern. But guess what? We can rewire it. We can literally rewire our subconscious mind. And when I started loving myself on a higher level, is that 100% the way God loves me? No. I still have human moments for sure. But I know when I feel critical of myself or others, or I feel like I’m acting in judgment, I know there’s something inside me that’s bothering me. There’s something about myself that is bothering myself. My lower self is bothering my lower self, and I need to get to my capital S, hired self. So to me, that is a warning to become mindful, stop in a moment, take a breath and all these exercises. I have to take a breath. Again, I know you know how to breathe. But how to get connected with God inside you? How to feel God inside you? Again, how to raise that consciousness with the breath through repetition that I get into higher consciousness? 

Albert Einstein said, never solve the problem with the same mind that created the problem. Whenever we have a problem, I go through this. And there’s five steps, five things that you can go through when you have a problem. One, stop, become mindful, take a breath. Because when you stop in the moment, you take a breath, breathing interrupts that mindful pattern. And then you ask yourself a question. What’s that question? Powerful questions change perspective. Is what I’m thinking related to something in my past? And what is that? If you’re in a critical moment, what’s that answer always going to be? And if that answer is yes, okay, let’s identify it. Or even if you just say yes, sometimes we work so hard to find the origin of the problem, it’s way back when we were five years old or something, sounds like she has way too much energy. We don’t have to fix it. 

How do you fix it? One, stop. Two, take your breath. Three, it is related to something in your past and the answer is yes, then get into your conscious brain. And after you’ve gone through honoring God within yourself, you learn how to get into that higher consciousness. Connect with God inside you, raise your vibration, feel the love and joy in your heart. Because now, you’re already halfway through exercise loving yourself and others so you know how to do that. And then how do I see it from God’s perspective? Which means, how do I see it from joy and love? And you’re thinking, well, that person offended me. How do you see from joy and love? Well, let me ask you a question. If a two year old did something that was just crazy, like they spilled the milk, or they cried, or they’re throwing a tantrum because you won’t get him the candy they want and you’re in the middle of a grocery store on aisle and they’re throwing a tantrum, yes, you can get a little impatient, but they’re two years old. How do you look at them? Like it’s their fault, or like they’re highly immature? It’s their level of consciousness. So when you look at that person, what are they trying to teach me either about myself, and it can be acceptance. Or can I look at them through very forgiving eyes and say that what they’re doing is people act, and you’ll learn this exercise loving yourself and others, they act out their pain. Whatever they feel inside them is what they’re acting out because they’re not in a godlike consciousness.

I know there’s very evil things. I get it when you look at somebody that sexually abuses someone or physically be as someone. What would that person have to feel to be able to have such adverse behavior against another human being? They have no consciousness of themselves. And then you have compassion. Now, I’ve had people that have been sexually abused like for years of their life by parents, or by others, brothers, sisters, uncles, or physical abuse. When we take them through these clearings then they forgive, and they move from pain into compassion, isn’t that amazing? What a powerful feeling to have moments when you love yourself like God loves you. Now, when you get there, accepting forgiveness for yourself and others. Man, then you see yourself, oh, my God, when you love yourself, you are in a whole consciousness that’s above pain. Then you see people and you see the events in your past of how, oh, my god, that pain is what’s leading me to my purpose. What did I learn? And then you learn from, if everything has a reason, do you carry the belief that everything has a reason in your life? Because if it has a reason, then you have to take the good things with the other things that you don’t like. But everything, when you see, when you get in that love state, everything has a gift because it taught you something. 

So the question is, there’s three gifts that every pain gives you. It gives you courage, it gives you faith, and it gives you a skill. So what scale didn’t have? Well, let’s use the most painful event in my life was watching my wife take her last breath. Did it give me courage? Yes. Because now, I can love on a whole new level because that pain was so bad that I’m not as afraid to love. It opened up my heart. Did it give me faith? Absolutely. Because I felt God’s presence. I knew through that he was always with me and through many other things. Did it give me a skill? Absolutely. Because that caused my spiritual evolution. It gave me communication skills, it gave me the ability to not want to sit there and argue about small things, but to be able, and this was the H.E.A.L.E.D system did. It taught me always how to return to love. Imagine having a skill where in a moment, in a breath, you could be in a heated argument and realize, this is such a small thing. People weigh so much time over small things. Life can be so fast that, how many precious loving moments do you want to create? So I saw how all the pains in my life gave me courage, gave me faith, gave me a skill that helped me evolve for my humanity to understand divinity. It helped me get above my pain. It also helped me show me how that pain was leading me to my sole purpose. I never thought that I would be a spiritual teacher with a message. I never thought that I wouldn’t have known that. But I wouldn’t be able to talk to you today about the things I’m talking about unless I experienced that pain. 

I’ve had chiropractic clients where spouses have died, where kids have died, where they lost their business, like so many tragedies. And to help them see that maybe there’s a purpose, to help them get to the other side, to help them see from a higher consciousness that I’ve had. So hundreds of people come back and say thank you because they found the gift. When you find the gift in your pain, you get to release the pain. Now, once you get through that, L is living in that man. Once you clear all that emotional static, you’d be amazed at the brilliance that you really are that can come forth.  L is living in the moment. 

So in our humanity, we have cocked on past, present, future when what time actually exists. The only time that exists is this moment right now. In our humanity and the world, time is horizontal. In reality, time is vertical. A second from now has already gone. It’s just a memory. The only memory that you have is what emotion that I signed to that memory. A second from now doesn’t exist. Now, our brain loves to take the past that loves to predict the future. So we project our past into the future and we create anxiety now. Isn’t that amazing? 

So what are emotions? If time is an emotion, what are the emotions of the past? Guilt, shame, resentment, jealousy, all those things. What are the emotions of the future? Anxiety, stress. Because what are we doing? We’re trying to predict what’s going to happen next week? What’s going to happen tomorrow? I’m stressed about this. I’m stressed about that. Yet, in a moment, in this present moment, what can we experience? Total joy. The miraculous that the miracle in this moment, when we have excitement for the next second that’s about to occur, oh, my God, isn’t that amazing? So I know that whenever I’m stressing out, or whatever I’m stressed about something’s gonna happen, because I’ve been through L, I take a breath. Oh, man, I come into this moment. I fill myself with joy and love at this moment. And rather than stress about the future, I realized, I can create the future with my emotions now. Love gives you revelation. Joy actually creates transfiguration. This is The Map of Consciousness by David Hawkins. You can look it up David Hawkins quantum physicists, The Map of Consciousness. Peace creates elimination when you have peace, love and joy. You’re excited about the next moment? You’re so present that you’re experiencing joy, peace and love. 

Now, how did I learn this one? Oh, my God. Well, here’s a quick story. I woke up one morning, I was reading my goals two weeks early at a martial arts accident, I tore an artery in my deck, I didn’t know. And all of a sudden, I’m having a stroke. All of a sudden, I could talk. I’m trying to say my goals out loud. I’m like, that didn’t say anything. I’m a doctor. I’m like, am I having a stroke? So I tried to speak again, I realized that I’m having a stroke. And I asked myself, am I gonna die? My intuition, I connected with God inside me and said, no. I thought I could rehab my speech. But then I thought, oh, my God, I’m coaching. I have a massive skill in the world, and all I did was pray. I’m like, should I call 911? I’m like, what are they going to do?

So I sat there and I prayed. I’m like, God, you have to heal this. And then my wife was waiting for me at the gym. I drove to the gym, went up to the hospital. They rushed me in because I’m sitting there, I can’t even talk. The intake nurse is like, what’s your name? I can’t even talk. So like, oh, my God. They do a CT scan. I’ll never forget this. The nurse walks in with her face like this. She’s holding the CT scan in her hand. She’s not saying anything. Her eyes are wide open, her mouth is wide open. And I’m like, well, by now, I could talk. It was three and a half hours that I lost my speech. That’s brain damage by the way. Seven minutes, if there was oxygen into a part of your brain, you can get permanent brain damage. Three and a half hours later, I said: “What did you find?” And she said: “You have no brain damage.” That was my second cerebrovascular miracle. The first one was when I was born. You can read about these in You Are More Powerful Than Think I had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, I almost died. I was born totally sciatic, totally blue. Blue babies usually have cerebral palsy. Almost always. And fortunately, I don’t. So that was my first cerebrovascular miracle, and that’s how I learned. 

So I came home. I’m back reading my goals, because that’s what successful people do. And all of a sudden, a loud voice says, just relax. You’re already there. And I had this vision of me walking down this road, like in this beautiful pasture and everything coming to me automatically. And then I realized that I was running over everybody in my life to prove myself to myself. And this is my second marriage. And then I realized that I’m doing it again. I’m trying to prove myself to myself trying to be successful. When I’m giving up the quality of relationships, and I change right there. I had to have a stroke to get that lesson. You can go to You Are More Powerful Than You Think and go through the H.E.A.L.E.D system. And then hopefully, you won’t have a crisis that brings you back to the present time. And hopefully, now you have the habits that can bring you back to present time if you need help. 

We have the resources. We also have a Facebook page called Heal with Dr. Fred where I do three videos a week, and you can get on there and we talked about the H.E.A.L.E.D system and challenges that are going on in the world and all that. So there are multiple ways if you want to go through this system, then we can help you. Man, once you come into presence, now I can manage myself. Isn’t that amazing? I can connect with God inside of me, I can love myself, I can release all the fears from the past, I can put myself in a higher state, and then I can come and do something like this. I know that’s taking a while, hopefully you guys are compelled to listen to this.

Then E, once you’re in presence, then you can hear the divinity and the divine voice in your mind and heart. Now, you move to your heart. Now your heart and your spirit speaks to you. You establish your purpose and mission. Now, here’s the thing, people that I’ve heard of this my whole life, if you want a purpose, by now, we are passionate about it and get paid for it. Well, that’s not true. I’m passionate about skiing, but I’m not supposed to be a ski instructor. I’m passionate about martial arts, but I did it for 20 years, I don’t even do it right now. I didn’t even know what chiropractic was until I was introduced to it. And then I was still in school having no idea what it was, what I knew in my heart was supposed to do.

H.E.A.L.E.D, what I’m talking about right now came from watching my wife take her last breath. They will put me on a spiritual evolution to be able to get to a higher consciousness, even to be able to write the book. And trust me, these were downloaded in my life. I’ve had three one on one out of body experiences with Christ. Two of them whereas writing the book and chapter forgiveness where he taught me, how does God see sin? How does Jesus see sin? What’s the truth about our humanity? And he truly came to show us who we are, not who he is, and show us the path to having a relationship with God. And we can follow that word, because that’s a straight line path. And we can create thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And so all those stories are also in the book, You Are More Powerful Than You Think. Now, once we hear that, and sometimes, what’s your purpose? Sometimes, your purpose can come from your greatest pain. I would say that’s probably more common. Mothers Against Drunk Driving was started by a mom who lost her daughter to a drunk driver.

My wife, wife to be, she’s a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. They came from all her traumas in childhood and the difference between how she was raised versus how she was raised. She went through a very traumatic life. We’re going to do another podcast with her, Molly Rose Holmes, and she will share some of her story with you. Horrific story, but she made it through the other side. And now, she helps families with deep traumas. 

I’ve had other people that I’ve interviewed before, sexually abused for years, physically abuse, abusive marriages. And then all of a sudden, they decide, I’m done. And now, they help abuse people, and abuse women in relationships, and then marriages. They help them put their life back together. Man, we can go on and on, and on. Many people that become billionaires and millionaires that are life coaches. Why? Because they were homeless, because they are foster kids. Not foster kids, but maybe they ran away from an orphanage, maybe they lived on the street. And now, they build a business that helps people. I mean, there’s so many stories. You’re gonna hear a lot of these really amazing, challenging stories where they made it through the other side and they found their purpose. That’s to establish your mission and purpose. You are here for a purpose. And if you’re living it, how do we go to the next step? 

And then finally D, deliver it to the world. Now, there’s lots of business things out there, tons of business seminars that’s not what this is about. This is about the spiritual principles, how to have faith? Do you speak about the mountains in your life? Because sometimes, we’re facing big mountains. Do you speak about the mountains? Or do you speak to the mountains? What are the spiritual principles that carry you through the hard times? What happens when the economy crashes? What happens when all of a sudden a partner is embezzling from you? What happens when all of a sudden you get divorced and then everything is taken from you? What happens when your spouse dies and you’re running your own business and you don’t even want to go to work? Life happens, and we have our purpose. Can we find the gift? Can we work through the pain? Can we learn how to fulfill our purpose by walking with God? Can we find when so many people seem to be against us? How we have faith and see that God clears the way for us? Can we see how God is in us, in front of us,, around us, and in front of us clearing the path no matter what the world looks like? Can we learn how to use God inside us? Not how to use it but how to connect where we create miracles in our life that’s delivered to the world. 

So this H.E.A.L.E.D isn’t just a one time thing. I use letters from this every day. This is actually a lifestyle. It’s like a spiritual cookbook. Because what’s going to happen, we are going to have tragedies in our life. We are going to have something happen to us where we need to forget. We are going to have anxiety about the future where we need to go, oh, yeah, I have the tools. What H.E.A.L.E.D is a set of spiritual tools that you can take with you, you can experience every time you go through you raise your consciousness. So you walk up the steps, and then you walk up again, and you walk them up again. And with each progressive step, you raise your consciousness to any level that you want. My goal is to be so tapped into my divinity that I can live above my humanity. Whether or not I do it in this lifetime is another thing. It’s a daily progressive ritual. I practice these often. I teach it to other people and I see the power of this, and how this can be a system, step by step system that can certainly help the lives of millions, even billions of people. 

So if you got something out of this and you want anything further, go to You Are More Powerful, spelled out, Y-O-U-A-R-E more powerful.com. You can go to Heal with Dr. Fred. If you sign anything, please subscribe to these podcasts, please share them. This isn’t about the H.E.A.L.E.D system, this isn’t about anything other than it this time in the world. The higher we can raise our consciousness, the more we contribute to the consciousness of all humanity. And isn’t that why we’re actually here? Thy will be done. God’s will be done through us, with us to create heaven on earth. Let’s do that in this lifetime.

Thank you so much. Love you guys. Peace be with you.