You’re not your job. You’re not your family name. You’re not the last thing your parents wanted you to be. You have one of the most powerful qualities in the world— the ability to be limitless. 

When you’re limitless, you have the capacity to do anything. You’re unstoppable. You enjoy and experience life at a higher level. You operate with purpose and direction. Ultimately, your consciousness goes beyond your thoughts. However, to be limitless, we need to dig deeper than our surface-level conditioning. 

In this episode, Dr. Fred sits with Xponential Intelligence (XI) founder, Mas Sajady. Tune in as Dr. Fred and Mas discuss how to go beyond our conditioning and unleash our true potential. They also discuss what can help us bypass habits and belief systems that limit our potential, the essence of real forgiveness, what it feels to be limitless, how to rewrite the meaning of our lives, how to remove the filters that are holding us back, and how we can move out from the reality zero space. 


“There’s a potential in you that exists. All you have to do is find it within you.” -Mas Sajady


Episode Highlights:

  • 03:31 Beyond Science
  • 10:37 What it Feels to be Limitless
  • 16:12 Rewrite the Meaning of Your Life 
  • 21:08 Beyond the Limitations of the Physical Form
  • 25:54 Reality Zero 
  • 29:07 Remove Your Physical Filter
  • 34:49 Harness the Power of Your Frequency
  • 40:21 There’s a Potential in You!   





You are limitless. You have the ability to be, do, and become anything you want. Join @drfred100m and Xponential Intelligence (XI) founder, Mas Sajady as they reveal the secret to unleashing your true potential. #HEALED #newpodcast… Share on X



06:32 “Every moment in life is a magnifier for you to either go up and awaken or go down. You never stay even.” -Mas Sajady

12:20 “It’s not a life review. It’s a life relive… If you have trauma— You can’t change these experiences because that’s written in time. But you can change the meaning of how it affected you.” -Mas Sajady 

13:28 “Forgiveness is a way of redemption. When you let go, you can change the emotion, and that’s how you attain that powerful feeling— you change your identity, you change your whole genetic pattern.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico  

14:46 “True forgiveness is where you delete, not the experience, but what you’ve attached to that experience.” -Mas Sajady  

25:24 “When you get close to your potential, nothing else really matters.” -Mas Sajady 

26:50 “Most people think that this reality is all there is that’s why they’re limited.” -Mas Sajady

28:59 “We are the consciousness before the thought. This is the second creation of higher consciousness.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

31:24 “You are the latest software version of your family… So your coding is really old.” -Mas Sajady

33:52 “All these identities that you think are malleable are hard-coded for you in your DNA. You can change all that.” -Mas Sajady

40:23 “There’s a potential in you that exists. All you have to do is find it within you.” -Mas Sajady


Meet Mas Sajady:

Mas Sajady is known as a teacher’s teacher, mentor’s mentor, leader’s leader, and advisor to the 1%. Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has mastered highly advanced knowledge and abilities that he’s become the leading authority in utilizing the power of frequencies to optimize human potential.

Mas is the founder of Xponential Intelligence (XI). He has an XI podcast with 2 million downloads and 100,000 successful client sessions in the last 10 years; he has traveled around the world and reached over a million people with seemingly miraculous life transformations. His meditation program has proven to help change your life in as little as 18 days instead of decades.

Mas works as the private counsel to business leaders, Olympic athletes, celebrities, royal families, and Fortune 500 companies such as Forbs, CCTV, Facebook, Microsoft, FedEx, and many more. As a philanthropist, Mas donates his time and resources to children’s education and freshwater project around the world.

Mas’ abilities have been scientifically tested and verified by Dr. Glen Rein, The  Father of Energy Medicine, Dr. Octavio Pino, clinical researcher Lorie Peters Lauthier, Dr. Norman Shealy, acclaimed neurosurgeon, as well as clinical research institutes, such as the Emoto Institute, University of Washington and Institute of Noetic Sciences. 



Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Hey, it’s Dr. Fred, and I am so excited to bring you someone who truly has a phenomenal compelling story that I know will move you from your mind, your heart who went through some, I would call tragedies in your life, really crossed over the other side, came back totally renewed, came back with spiritual guests, found a purpose to be able to guide in the years be able to literally help transform the lives of millions of people around the world to do seminars, great experiences around the world. 

And just my own personal experience with you, we met at a professional organization. We were chatting about 15 minutes later and you said: “You’re having some problems with your relationships.” Man, what do you mean, after three marriages? I don’t understand what you’re talking about. And you said: “Yeah, I think I can work on it for about 10 minutes.” Two days later, I had a friend referred to me the most amazing woman in the world. I knew I was gonna marry her when I saw her picture. We are now engaged and scheduled to be married on July 1, 2022. So basically 10 minutes and two days, my whole life changed. 

So I would love to bring you this amazing spirit of walks on multiple dimensions that can make life changes with you, Mas Sajady.

Mas Sajady: Thanks for the intro. And I love the vibrance and excitement of that. Because you’ve experienced the work and you speak from the heart, which is really beautiful. Although that sounds magical and so on. Or it’s like, yeah, just random or happenstance. But Fred, from what I’ve seen working over a hundred thousand client sessions, that’s how fast I can transform people.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Okay, interrupt you real quick because it was, like say, well, some people think things are happenstance. And then we have the belief system, well, everything happens for a weak reason. And everybody’s highly intuitive. And I knew because it was an event I didn’t really want to go to. You get out of your mind. Because in my mind, I want to go up to LA, bla, bla, bla. I don’t want to wear a mask. My heart kept saying, you’re gonna meet somebody that’s going to make a difference in your life. And so I just, sometimes Yeah, cuz it was not right. I knew and I just said, sometimes, you just have to follow your heart and not listen to your mind.

Mas Sajady: Yep. Absolutely. And that’s the key. One is that guidance that happens often on people, it’s always there. So in a nutshell, that’s what I do. I help you connect to that higher guidance that already knows what the best possible outcome for your life is, and literally can create a whole different reality for you if you listen to it. And that’s the key. You have to listen to it. But with XI, Xponential Intelligence, what happens is that it’s an automatic, it becomes second nature for you to not just listen to it, but you get guided by whether you like it or not. And that’s how you say transform. And that’s how you bypass your habits, your belief systems and all those things that just don’t work out well. Because it hasn’t worked out well. That’s why your life is the way it is. But coming back to that story, it sounds like a miracle. But literally, if you look at the testimonials, and we’ve got a tonne on the website,, but that’s just a portion of what we get every day. And it sounds like the 10 year old girl who literally was slated to go to a mental asylum and she’s totally normal after like a 10 minute session with me and so on. How did those things happen? I’m still trying to figure out the science behind it. But there is science behind it. I would say decades beyond the current sciences or the current technology that’s happening today, and it’s all built within us.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah, it is. Well, let’s go through, they want another man by the purpose and demand by America, if you want to call them miracles. They were saying the Healed System. That’s what the Healed System is all about. Tapping into your native in a we’re creating likeness and image of God. We’re spirits living your human experience. We get in our mind. I’ve listened to my mind more than my heart several times, and that always seems to lead to problems. And it’s like the older you get, the more you say, I think I’ll listen to my heart. But the bottom line is, you had some tragedies in your experience. I mean, you went through, you’re in the midst of your humanity, like all of us, we go through these huge life shifting moments. So if you could go back to your life and what gifted you?

Mas Sajady: Well, absolutely. Well, I want to go before that. Because every moment that we exist here in this plane, timespace playing, there’s opportunities for us to awaken. Instead of jumping one level of awakening, a near death allows you to just like literally catapult to much higher levels a lot faster. And that’s what’s happened to me. Just recently, I don’t know if you heard but I was in Peru and it’s almost like a third near death experience. So my abilities will even get even stronger by the time we connect for this event that you and I got together for. But anyway, what I want to say is that every moment in life is a magnifier for you to either go up and awaken, or go down, you never stay even, you’re always going up, or you’re going down. But unfortunately, most individuals through genetic makeup, what you got inherited from your parents and so on, you see filters on how you see life and how you experience life. And then those filters become true from the experiences that you have. Okay, so what happens in the near death experiences is like, I was actually searching to say remove these filters, or remove these genetic paradigms that we all exist from how we age, for example, that’s a genetic paradigm or filter that we see. How we get treated in relationships, that’s a genetic pattern, or a filter, or a program that’s within our coding. And that’s why our relationships tend to happen. They tend to be the same unless you get knocked out like you did. I helped you install another program, basically. Another is genetic coding I would call it. 

Anyway, the key is that I was searching for something miraculous. I wanted to have the best possible life because I looked at wealthy individuals and I’m gone. Well, they’re still addicted, they still age like the way they do, they still get sick. I mean, that’s not so great. As a young kid, 17, 18 years old, I’m looking at this and I’m looking at the religious aspect. I’m going, well, those people, they might be nicer. They might not be nice, but they’re still getting addicted. They still have fights, they still have arguments, they still have money issues. Why would I want to go there? So I was searching for a better answer, and that’s why I had that first near death. I had my jaws crushed. And I’m not going to go into all the details, that’s on my website. Again, all the details. But it was a warehouse accident. I had my jaws crushed, and that’s where I pulled away from my identity of who we are. The limited identity of who we are. I went into the grander version of who we are. So something that you might be safe familiar with is that when you get pushed and shoved into a corner, and you go, God, if only I could access the bigger, grander version of who I really am. The possibilities of who I am. And I think we’ve all gone there. I know you’ve gone there because I can read you prayed. You know what I mean? Several times, it’s like, damn, why can I access that? I’m so close. I can see it. I can almost taste it, but why can I tap into that? So when I had that near death, I literally went, Oh, shit, this is the way it feels to be so limitless, and you do feel you know all powerful.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Let’s just clarify that because you have a very clear understanding, and you can see as your eyes are moving around, you put yourself in that space. So near death is like you got basically crushed, you broke your jaw. And physically, your physical body actually passed, your spirit left and you’re in another dimension?

Mas Sajady: Yes. So that’s a complete separation or complete near death where my body was hanging by my jaw because I was dangling literally by my jaw just hanging there. I was pulled away just like in the movies where your spirit is floating, but it’s a consciousness. It’s not like wispy or anything, but your consciousness is removed from it and I was looking at myself from a different perspective like out of my body experience. I was looking at my body and I’m going, oh, you poor soul. And you’re so limited. Thinking that you’re so limited, and I’m going, but you’re such a beautiful soul. And then it’s like, wait a second, what’s going on here? Because I shouldn’t be in that body. Why am I floating here? And that’s the key. Before, I was really searching for that answer to have to enter light.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: So you’re sitting there, floating there, how did you feel like you’re so limited? You’re looking and saying that you’re so limited. So you must have the feeling of limitless like, what did that feel like to be limitless?

Mas Sajady: Perfect question. And this is the observation point or reference point. So most people who feel limited in their lives can’t find solutions. They’re running out of their 1%, or their human form, or their physical presence here, their physical existence. I separated from that identity. So I was living the 99% potential of who we are. So imagine, most people, they do well with 1%. They might become successful, they might become happy, but that’s only a portion of the possibilities of who you are. I was living the other 99%, like I said, and it feels–

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: That makes success sound boring. It’s boring now.

Mas Sajady: It is. And I want to bring that up too. I wish I had something to write down. Remind me about that, because it’s really important. Anyway, I didn’t realize that I had died, though, at that moment. But because I was just going on, it’s like, wait a second, what am I doing here if my body is dangling there? And then at that moment, I go, oh, shit, I die. And then it wasn’t like sadness or anything. But it’s like, damn, you forget about the 1%. You literally forget. And it’s like, whoa, this is so cool. And this is where possibilities of who you could be happen. This is where you get like, because I’m still conscious. I’m not like, where the hell am I? What’s going on? I’m still very conscious. Wow, this feels really cool. My flesh even felt really cool. Man, I feel all powerful, just like a little, literally like a genie. And then I sell it into the layers where you review your life, and it’s not a life review. It’s a life for you to live. You relive that portion of your life understanding why those things happen to you. So you take unity, you come back with redefining how you saw your life, you can’t change the experiences of what happened, and that’s what I do today for people. Again, you’d have trauma back in the day or whatever. You can’t change this experience because that’s written in time, but you can change the meaning or how it affected you. And once you change that, it creates a domino effect in your current instance of yourself. Not like, something happened to you when you were nine, and I may be tapping into you, by the way. Anyway, if something happened to you when you’re nine. I’m kind of working on YouTube, as we speak. But something happened to you at nine, you change the meaning of what happened to you at nine, it changes how you see yourself from that point on forward. So change your present moment time, and that’s how you get fantastic, say, opportunities or possibilities in your current moment of time.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: One thing we talked about the Healed System is this true forgiveness. Forgiveness is a way to redemption. If you let go, you’re changing. And when you change the meaning, you change the emotion, you reframe the meaning, you release that negative emotion, and that’s how you attain that powerful feeling. Change your identity, change your whole genetic pattern.

Mas Sajady: Absolutely. And that’s actually been proven with my abilities. I’ve been in a Faraday cage where all electromagnetism, all electric currents and all that are just removed from the room and they just test your frequencies on human DNA and so on, amazing frequencies. But back to your point about forgiveness, this is the way, say Jesus would forgive somebody. And again, I’m not equating myself to Jesus or anything. But what he said is true forgiveness, and true forgiveness is when you look at that person, including yourself, and you look at that person and you don’t recall what happened. But when most people forgive, what’s the first thing when they meet that person? It’s like, oh, yeah, I forgive you. 20 years later, you meet that person and you go, oh, they did that to me. You know what I mean? That’s not forgiveness. This is like literally true forgiveness where you delete, not the experience. But again, you delete what you’ve attached to that experience.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Not an emotion attached to it.

Mas Sajady: Yes. Absolutely. It’s a psychological forgiveness or anything, or disconnect, but you elevate yourself and you see it from a higher level of purpose of who you are versus the distorted purpose of who you are, or the distorted version of who you are. So again, between your limited stop, the 1% physical form into your possibilities of who you could be. That make sense? And then when you delete that almost instantaneously, all versions of yourself up to your current version radically changes, and your life radically changes. And this is where possibilities, this is where self healing happens, this is where amazing things can happen. Relationships can happen, or again, you healing yourself. This is where like tumours have disappeared in people and so on like that.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Isn’t that amazing? If we can pick up your story, I would appreciate that. So now you’re here. You’re traveling through this dimension, which reminds me, I’d like to talk about what you feel about astral projection, things like that, because that’s becoming more popular now. So then what happened? I mean, eventually, you came back in your body because here you are.

Mas Sajady: So I did a life review. And again, it’s the life we live. You relive all the aspects of your life and all the shadows could have, or why the hell did this happen to me? Or why did God do that to me? It’s not like a judgment or anything like that. It’s just like, oh, I understand why that happened to me. It literally is rewriting the meaning of your life from a very, very high perspective, and then you heal from it. And then at that level, some of the things happened to me. I went to two different realities. I felt the love that is in those realities, but it’s amazing. The love, the purity, the grandness of who you are in that state of going, wow, this is really cool. I want to stay here. And then there’s this voice that comes up and it’s like, oh, yeah, you can stay here if you want, but you probably want to head back. And just something or someone literally pushed me back into my body, and that’s where I felt the pain of the jaw, the crack bones and everything in my jaw. And then I saw where I was, in the real car. I felt I fell down, I blacked out. The next thing I know, I found myself in the hospital where my jaws were shot.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: So your body goes, come on, do I really have to go back? Does it look like fun?

Mas Sajady: Fun. Yeah. But you want to go there. Like, no, I want to stay here. But it’s like, yeah, you can go there. You’re going that way. It’s like, okay, but it’s a euphoric experience. My jaws were wired shut for about three, four months, but it felt so cool because I could experience life still from that higher level state of who we are. So I’ll bet, again, my jaw was wired shut, the pain and everything. It felt really grand. I was excited to entertain life again, which is really.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: That’s hitting the restart button, isn’t it?

Mas Sajady: Yes. Yeah, and this is where the abilities started coming in, future vision started coming in which I teach, by the way. Those kind of like psychic abilities, if you want to call it her intuition. But the big thing is the second year death, which was a drowning, that allowed me to understand the mechanics on how to edit people’s frequencies. So literally, I can tap into and read you whether you’re here. Or if you just go, hey, I do a show called Mas on Sunday, and on the comments, it’s like, hey, my scammy. You don’t even have to use your real name, I can just read you and go, this is what’s going on with you. So that’s how I began. That’s how I’m accurate. I am very accurate.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: So I have a question real quick, because there may be listeners on here, because this is my curiosity to lead a second year death where I’m most proud. I mean, a little bit of that story that you lost over the other side again, and then getting back.

Mas Sajady: Yeah. And again, the full story, it’s just a long story. So we can talk about that some other time, but the highlights of it was, just like you said in the beginning, you had this feeling that you needed to go see, go to this event where you and I connected. Same thing here. It was on a cruise ship and all the things worked out that I had to be at that spot where I drowned. It was an inner tubing excursion on a cruise ship. It’s kind of crazy. But whatever I needed to do to drown that day to awaken happened. They ran out of life jackets, I was the only one without a life jacket. I go, fuck. I’m a strong swimmer. I was a swimmer in high school, I can handle it, it’s not a big deal. All these other things, all these scenarios where I literally had to have that experience of drowning, and I got sucked into a snow case. It was in Belize, and they have a lot of snow days. Basically holes in the bottom of the river. And the guy goes, well, you want to lock your feet as a group so you don’t get pulled away into tributaries of this river. And lo and behold, for some reason, I had a disconnect. And as soon as we moved, I just separated and got sucked into this snowy day, and I just in the bowels of the earth. And again, I could feel my body separate. It’s like, oh, wow, here we go again. I was actually kind of excited because it’s like I get to reconnect with my higher self in pure form again, and I’m gonna do this again. Yeah, it’s like, wow, what a ride. And I got disconnected. I could feel my body float, literally throw the rocks into the coolness of the water and then just evaporate into nothingness, or no time, no space as I would call it today. And again, a beautiful feeling. But this is where I cheated, I think. 

On the second near death, there’s layers of awakening. You’ve heard the tunnel light. The beginning is like your dog or your family welcomes you, and then there’s a layer where you review your life, there’s like 13 layers. But at the 13th layer, you graduate and you stay there. So this is why I said like I graduated and I went behind the veil to see what’s going on. I was still conscious. I’m like, oh, that’s how this stuff works. This is really cool. It was amazing. And in that space, but it’s a beautiful space. It was like I was downloaded with a ton of information, like I can access information from the past, the present and the future because there’s no past, present, future there. All things happen at once at that level, because there’s no time. So anything like, I can read you, I can read your future, I can read your past, I can read your present. I can also change the possibilities of you as well. Because of those possibilities, I can access them as well. So that’s part of my abilities as well. But I was downloaded at that level. 

Again, the amount of love I felt at that level, Fred, holy, amazing, it would short circuit your wires here. It’s like an orgasm time, and that’s it really short circuits you. But anyway, at that level, I transcend it even beyond the concepts of the limitations of physical form. I was literally just nothingness. But then at the same time, all complete. That make sense to you? I can’t describe it any other way, but you just feel nothing, but you feel like everything. And it’s just that space of, and then I don’t know what happened, I’m blacked out. And then I found myself like 100 yards above where I got sucked into. So like divine intervention, I would call itm and I was bleeding on my back and my fingernails because I was trying to crawl out of this tunnel that I got sucked into, but I was euphoric. And this is where I could start to see people’s programming. So I don’t see auras, chakras or anything like that. But I can see you and I go, oh, I see the vibration that you’re resonating at, or the frequencies that you’re resonating. Kind of like looking at a–

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Obviously, it’s seen with insight. So is that something you feel? Or when you see, are you actually seeing these frequencies, or something you feel in your body?

Mas Sajady: No, it’s a knowing. So the same way that you know yourself. I can tap in, literally plug into your frequency and see your life experience from your point of view, for example. So it’s very different from psychic abilities, intuition and so on, by the way. It is very, very different.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: And you’re seeing from their perspective.

Mas Sajady: Absolutely, yet there’s a lot of science behind it. I call it science because it’s duplicatable, I can help other people access it. Obviously, it depends on how awakened you are or how fast you elevate. So you don’t have to have that near death, but it’s duplicatable. I can recreate it for people and it’s more accurate, more consistent and less exceptions to the rule than most science or most logic that we have in today’s level of consciousness.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah, that’s amazing. Yeah, you came out, like you said you were crawling out of the rocks. Probably don’t remember that, but you’re bleeding. So when you came out of the water, and you’ve obviously gone through trauma, and the first thing you said was you were euphoric. I mean, did you come out in your body, awake consciousness like, wow, that was awesome.

Mas Sajady: Absolutely, I did. It’s like, I know something happened, and I know some tragic tragedy happened because I could hear my kids, they’re involved. I could hear them crying, just bawling. It’s like, shit, we just lost dad. S I could feel all the excitement and it’s like, where did that guy go? I could hear all the commotion but I was just in a state of bliss. Because when you get that close to your, again, your potential of who you really are, nothing else really matters, so to speak, compared to the grant that you’re there.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Here’s a map, you just massively reframed everything. And actually, my dad passed away and it comes from all the time. It’s not death, it’s reaching your potential. What a reframe on death.

Mas Sajady: Absolutely. So you literally elevate, I describe it in my lecture series where we go into the details on how all this stuff works. But literally, instead of living your limited version here, you’re living your version, again, a death space or an awakened space, whichever way you put it here, and you’re projecting your physical form here. For those people, I know the people that are going to listen to this, it’s like, well, how does he do that?

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: How to say that again, because I think there’s a couple of people that, okay, let me hear that again.

Mas Sajady: Okay. So most people think that this is zero reality. Reality is zero. This is where everything happens. This is like the screen or the stage of life to some expense. You can’t experience anything outside of this reality because there’s no outside of this reality, there’s no density, time and space works differently. Most people think that this reality is all that there is, and that’s why they are limited. But if you die, for example, you really, like you said, and many people experience this. Actually, science backs it up. You just eliminate yourself from this reality, you live in a higher consciousness, the next consciousness over, or the next, or then higher, higher, higher, depending on how awakened you are. Does that make sense to you so far?

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Oh, completely. But it’s almost like you described it as you’re actually living in this consciousness, projecting into the body, you know?

Mas Sajady: That’s the key. So most people project from the layer that there’s a display. So again, the screen of time and space, what I do is like, wait a second, guys, there’s a higher version of you. All you have to do is let go of this reality, go to this next reality. Okay. And that reality is more real than the physical reality here, guys. I can prove it hundreds, thousands of times over. So you are conscious of the reality of your higher self here, and then you project your being physical form here, and this is where you become euphoric. This is where you don’t age the way you do. This is where illnesses don’t happen to you. This is where you can recreate how your genetic coding is. Or basically, how you age differently than your parents and so on bBecause you’re observing yourself experiencing life fear.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Well, my dad talks to Molly because she’s done that since he was a kid, but he keeps coming to tell my kids that I’m not dead. I’m not dead. And a few weeks ago, I told my daughter I have undying love for her like what a smart ass. But he keeps saying, I’m not dead, I’m still here, And that’s what you’re talking about is we’re living from this physical plane when actually we can live and projected the physical plane. One thing we talked about in Healed is the physical plane a second. We are the consciousness before thought, we’re the consciousness before. This is the second creation of higher consciousness.

Mas Sajady: Yes. And that second question comes from filters. So for you to create density or experience here, you would have to have filters of time and space, and how this reality works in your identity is human. A human form is a filter, by the way, because your spirit has no form. A human form having a female or male experience, that’s another filter. So there’s a lot of filters between your conscious awakened self, and then the version that you have here. Illness is a filter. And again, it’s not something that state hard coded in you. It’s a filter. You remove that filter, you have possibilities of, again, healing yourself from anything, or awakening from anything. Even people who are autistic. Just working on this kid. He now reads complete books. Before in the past, he would have the tension of a goldfish. Like 15 seconds, he’d be offered something else all over the place. Now, he just settled down. He can actually read complete books and understand it. Again, that’s a filter. Autism is a filter. I don’t know why I’m talking about autism. But anyway, somebody in your audience might be interested. Oh, is that what it is? Okay, so maybe I can help Molly. So that’s what it is. So again, that’s a filter that they’re running. It’s not their real selves. It’s not hard coded. You remove that filter on how you’re projecting yourself. And then like, again, I’m not saying I cure anybody, but I allow you to awaken to go, wait, I don’t need that filter anymore. You remove that filter, that autistic features disappeared for those individuals. Yeah, it’s amazing stuff, and it might sound really far fetched. But again, the bottom line is people get results.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Well, the bottom line is we understand that we’re a consciousness above all that filter actually makes sense. How many filters are we running in our life that we think that’s our identity, but it’s just a filter? It’s not who we are, it’s a belief system.

Mas Sajady: Yeah. Your genetic makeup, your DNA as scientists call it, that’s the filter that’s brought on by, yeah. Basically what I say, Fred, is that you are the latest version, software version of your family. That’s all you are, literally. You know what it means? That’s the way I look at people as programming or code. So anyway, your mom and dad, their mom and dad, and so on, and so on, and so on. You’re a mixture of all their genetic fate structure or whatever survived that next generation, your that latest version of it. So your coding is really, really old. That make sense? And I want to kind of transition into that because people go, well, this is new technology, and it’s way out there. It is new technology, or it’s timeless technology. But if you look at nature, and this is why people are where they are. If you look at nature, friend, this is really important. For the people listening, if you look at nature, for example, heart issues in any species, Gopher family, Lion family, whatever. About one or two generations, that genetic makeup recoding what it’s like, what is that again? They’ve got heart issues. It’s not best for this species. How do we eliminate it? Or viruses, how do we eliminate it? So by the second generation, they resolve heart issues in nature or animals. Does that make sense to you? In humans, we have free will, we have that choice, or somehow we mess up. That it’s like, oh, Mom had heart issues, Dad had heart issues, great granddad had heart issues, all have heart issues.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: So we decided to keep them rather–

Mas Sajady: So imagine how much garbage is in your genetic makeup that you don’t need? That’s a lot of garbage plus all the memories on how you attain that garbage. There’s a great study on people who went through war and destruction. Five generations down, those individuals showed signs of PTSD symptoms based on war and destruction and they had no experience of war at all. You know what I mean? It transferred over to them. So you start with XI, you start to observe, where did I get my genetic makeup? Why do I look like my mom or look like my dad? If you’re looking like your mom or dad, chances are your personality traits, your relationships, your money habits, all these identities that you think are malleable, they’re hard coded for you and your DNA. You can change all that, by the way.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Well, I was married to a woman from Poland, briefly. And she lives two miles from Auschwitz. So one, her energy, you can almost feel that, but she used to say things, things come out of her mouth. Because Europe is centuries old. America is not that old. California, it’s like 50 years old. But she would say things that are centuries old. How many generations did that statement come from? And like you said, we keep those belief systems and they wire into us. And they’re so subconscious. We don’t even realize what they’re doing to our body, to our life, to our relationships, to who we believe we are to our limitations.

Mas Sajady: I can read your ex wife, by the way. It’s kind of crazy, but she basically plugs into moments of time. So she can go into a building and she can just sit there and then she’ll be a duplicate of what happened there. She’ll start to speak. She could actually do like, sometimes people speaking in languages that they don’t know. She could start to speak about that kind of scenario for you. Does that make sense to?

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah.

Mas Sajady: Yeah, yeah. So that would mess her up, obviously, because she sits into a hotel room, and then she’ll absorb whatever happened, for example. And then she’ll replay it in her own vision, or whatever messes her up totally. So you can eliminate that stuff. There’s so many variables out there, guys, that most people don’t understand that affect your life. You can eliminate all those things from your life, and you can see who you are.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Well, we could sit here and talk forever. I’m really looking forward to getting together with you. So tell us about your exercise system, things that you’re doing, how people can get a hold of you, how they can come, see you or go through the experiences with you?

Mas Sajady: Yeah. It’s called Life Explained or The Power Frequency. Basically what the power frequency is explaining the power frequency, how you can attach it to it, or how you can harness that simple power frequency. Again, that is the 99% of who you are versus the 1% of who you are. So we’re doing a big London tour. You don’t have to be in London, there’ll be online as well. Some of the events will be online, but you can go to the website for that. Or you can go to and see all the tours that we’re doing in London. Again, some of it will be online. It literally shows you how to understand the concepts of life. And it’s not just like my career here, this stuff here, it’s not about that. This will help you become a much better chiropractor, or because most of you are chiropractors. In this event, it’ll show you how to be more intuitive with your clients, it’ll show you how to, one, a lot of just reading some of the people that I’m going to be speaking with, or for you all to absorb your clients patterns because your helpers, your lovers. You go home and it’s like, damn, I’m drained. Or that client really drained me and stuff. So I’m like that, this will allow you to, again, eliminate that so you don’t have to sacrifice yourself to help other people. This will help you understand what success patterns are, where you can actually make money and enjoy it rather than feeling guilty. Because a lot of your clients, they feel guilty for being successful and happy. Which is kind of weird. So those things get eliminated. And again, you create yourself a higher version. And then you share that higher version with your clients, which your clients will get better results no matter what you’re doing.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Talk about that, bring that up specifically at the event when we speak out.

Mas Sajady: Yeah, absolutely. So if you go to the website, one, you can go to Mas on Sunday, or you can go to, you can go there, it’s a YouTube channel that I have. It’s at 9:30, no 10:30 AM central time where it’s recorded live. You can join in with the audience chats. I answer people’s questions. There, I talk about life explained, literally why life happens the way it does and what to do about it. So that’s really the best avenue. It gives you a lot of things on how to be successful the right way, how to be successful without sacrifice. Again, a ton of stuff. So you can go there. There’s a lot of good stuff on the website, The 18 Day HyperMeditations to change your life in 18 days. So yeah, so that’s really, really good. I was going to ask, but it’s already started for this month. So by the time we get to see you with it, which is less than a month, some of you can still join, or check that out by the way. I think that’d be really cool. Because by the time you get to the event, you understand what Xponential Intelligence is about. When you get to the event with Fred and I, you already shifted and it’s like, okay, what’s going to happen to me? What’s the possibilities for me now? So you can fix yourself even before you get to the event, I want to go there.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Now, you do one on one calls as well?

Mas Sajady: Yeah. But most individuals, like personal issues, things like that, aka HyperMeditations, that some of the group meditations that we do and so on. A lot of those things get resolved in the group space. The one on one, if you want to really connect, that’s totally fine. But the one on ones are like business advancement, so to speak, connecting with your clients having abilities, someone like that. Those are really slated for this for their one on one event.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Awesome. We’ll have these things posted, any final words you want to leave people with?

Mas Sajady: Well, final words is, guys, there’s a potential in you that exists. All you have to do is just literally find it within you and what we’re going to do, Fred and I, again, we’re going to help you find that potential that’s deep inside you. It’s already there. We just need to uncover it, polish it up a bit and you’re good to go.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: It’s not just in you, it’s who you really are. Thank you so much for hanging out with me and I’m still looking forward to seeing you in Atlanta, June 3rd. You and your wife, even your wife is just always so kind and you guys are such a blessing. So glad that I listened to my heart that day.

Mas Sajady: Thank you so much, buddy.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Thank you.