When people work together, they can do amazing things. In fact, if we think about it, we’ll realize that most of our best moments have come from working with other people. We don’t need superheroes or superpowers. We just need each other. 

However, we often find that abuse, betrayal, and injustice are becoming even more common in our society— the people we love being the foremost to break our trust.

Leigh Taylor Dunbas is a powerful advocate for change. She founded Freedom Fighter Nation with the goal to protect human rights. She believes that we all have something unique in us that can create change. And if we don’t speak up, we’re betraying not only the world but ourselves. That’s why she calls, “Rise Up!”. 

Join Fred and Leigh as they discuss how our upbringing affects our ability to perceive the realities of our society, what she learned as she enters dangerous territories, the ugly realities of communism, what breaks a man, what motivated her to stand up against tyranny, why we should be careful about what we believe, and what we can do to create change.


“We’re in a very long war right now. The timeline is going to be dictated by how quickly the population wakes up.” -Leigh Taylor Dundas


Episode Highlights:

  • 02:34 Good Parents, Bad Parents
  • 08:10 Into Dangerous Territories
  • 16:33 The Ugly Reality of Communism
  • 23:53 No to Tyranny
  • 28:02 Do Your Homework
  • 35:25 What Does Your Resume Say?
  • 41:41 Don’t Stop
  • 45:53 Be Careful What You Believe
  • 48:36 Rise Up!





Imagine a world where justice prevails— a world where we feel secure and peaceful. We’re not there yet but we can get closer every day. Join @drfred100m and Freedom Fighter Nation Founder, Leigh Taylor Dundas as they discuss what we can do to… Share on X



05:25 “There’s a betrayal that happens when you don’t speak up when you know you should.” –Leigh Taylor Dundas

05:42 “You can run but you can’t hide because you got yourself following yourself.” -Leigh Taylor Dundas

06:53 “People tell you who they are early. Our mistake is not listening and thinking we can change them.” -Leigh Taylor Dundas

18:25 “The people in power lied to the population and by the time they figured it out, it was too late. Be very, very careful who you believe and what you believe in, always do a gut check.” -Leigh Taylor Dundas

19:42 “You fix it by showing, not telling.” -Leigh Taylor Dundas

20:12  “The difference between knowledge and experience is when you see it, it’s wired inside of you.” -Fred Didomenico

23:24 “You don’t say a whole lot until you do.”  -Fred Didomenico

31:33 “Don’t do the easy thing, because today, it’ll cost you your life.”  -Fred Didomenico

37:29 “We’re in a very long war right now. The timeline is going to be dictated by how quickly the population wakes up.” -Leigh Taylor Dundas

42:13 “You don’t stop just because you didn’t get it done the first time.” -Leigh Taylor Dundas

43:31 “The only unfair thing about fighting is if you lose and your life is on the line.” -Leigh Taylor Dundas

44:49 “Speak your truth because if you don’t, nobody is going to be protecting your kids. You are the best protector of your kids. -Leigh Taylor Dundas

46:28 “It’s a tough lesson to learn and a hard way to learn it, but you can’t unlearn what you now.” -Leigh Taylor Dundas

48:26 “When the people take a stand, then the government becomes powerless.” -Fred DiDomenico


Meet Leigh:

Leigh Taylor Dundas is a passionate activist and the founder of Freedom Fighter Nation, a non-profit that is committed to safeguarding human rights against injustices. She believes that when people work together for a common goal, they have the power to make a change so significant that it becomes a movement.