Trauma is a serious word— It’s the kind of word that makes you want to curl up in a ball and not come out for a while. And sadly, it is the reality for many of us. 

Whether caused by an event or by living with abuse, trauma can be deeply destructive. It has a way of finding us and wreaking havoc on our everyday lives. Putting ourselves back out there and making new connections will be hard. Feeling safe and trusting again will be a challenge. And often, we are left with guilt, anger, and shame.

But trauma shouldn’t have to be lived with for long periods of time. We can change all that with the power of our choice. It’s amazing how much we can heal and grow through the power of our choices. At times, we may feel that we have no control over our lives, but we really do. 

In this episode, we are joined by none other than Molly Rose Holmes LMFT, the amazing woman who made Dr. Fred’s heart beat again. Molly is a former child abuse victim, a trauma survivor, and a powerful advocate for holistic healing. Listen in as Molly shares her near-death experiences and how she has found healing and peace. Dr. Fred and Molly also talk about how generational trauma is transferred from parents to infants, how to move out of depression and thrive, the power of forgiveness, and how remembering who we truly are can help us attain a higher level of consciousness.  


“It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through because God can heal anything.” -Molly Rose Holmes


Episode Highlights:

  • 01:57 Meeting the Most Amazing Woman 
  • 07:32 Surviving Near-Death Experiences
  • 11:26 There’s Magic in the Choice
  • 15:12 Frequencies Can’t Be Faked
  • 21:17 Remember Who You Are
  • 27:02 How Trauma is Passed Down to Generations 
  • 31:57 A Sacred Union 
  • 36:37 There’s Always Hope





Today is a sweet day! We’re finally going to meet the amazing woman who caught @drfred100m’s heart, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Molly Rose Holmes. Tune in to hear how these two amazing people met and how they’re working together to… Share on X



05:32 “It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through because God can heal anything.” -Molly Rose Holmes

10:48 “Honor God within yourself. We are all children of God.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

12:57 “There’s magic in the choice.” -Molly Rose Holmes

13:18 “That’s the rescue— stepping into who you are and stepping out of who you’re not.” -Molly Rose Holmes

14:54 “When you choose, your mind doesn’t see anything else. It eliminates all other options.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

18:30 “We’re not here to hold grudges and to hold on to pain, but to forgive.” -Molly Rose Holmes

21:44 “All sin comes from forgetting who we are as children of God.”  -Molly Rose Holmes

30:24 “We’ve had the same vision our whole life individually with that person standing next to us. But, we didn’t know who that person is going to be until we met each other.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

36:30 “We don’t teach anything we can’t live.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

39:04 “Your faith will heal you. God will bring you a way to access the inner resources you need to triumph over any trauma.” -Molly Rose Holmes


Meet Molly Rose Holmes:

Molly Rose Holmes is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist who has a specialization in Spiritual Psychology. Also certified as an energy healer, massage therapist, and yoga instructor, she uses a holistic approach to healing and wellness. Her clients say that she has her own transformative brand of woo-infused alchemy that blends science and soul. And she has successfully worked with individuals and families all over the world to help them truly thrive. As the creator of the Mindful Attachment Parenting approach, also known as the Zen Mommy MAP, she empowers parents to heal generational patterns and to find their family zen!